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  • I came here for the exact same reason – Opera and Firefox look great, but IE shows the menu far down in the bottom of the page somewhere.

    mine as at

    check far down for the menu

    Testing for IE problems is tricky.
    Have you both tried reducing the width of your menu / sidebar and checking that the width’s do not exceed the width of the overall container ?
    Try reducing widths drastically to see what happens.

    Hmmm, I think I was trying way too complex things – dumbing down your bug hunting almost always seems to be the best way to go.

    I think, as stated by podz, that the menu with for my sidebar was off by some 5 pixels and that cuased it to go bananas.

    “margin-left: ” beneath was at 405, changed it to “400” and now it looks great (changed it in the stylesheet.php, not the sidebar.php, in case fightingfriends would be wondering)

    /******** Begin Sidebar ********/

    #sidebar {
    padding: 14px 12px 0 0;
    margin-left: 400px;
    font: 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;
    color: #888888;


    Awsome! Thanks alot!

    Konbanwa from Tokyo!

    Thread Starter fightingfriends


    Thanks lefty and podz, my problem is fixed too, I feel stupid for not fixing it myself nonetheless, your help is greatly appreaciated podz!

    Everything you, moose and the others do for wordpress is wonderful!

    I have the same problem and for now the only solution was to remove 2 small pics, a poll and form mail. I have looked through every forum question relating to this topic-tried everything, and nothing works. I’m using the MX4 theme-so I tried changing the 405 to 400 which didn’t work. I did check the validation-there are quite a few parse errors in the stylesheet-and I’m horrible at CSS so I have no clue how to fix them.

    bethchelle – apart from 1 fault, the errors in your stylesheet refer to ‘moz-radius’ code. This code works in Mozilla/Firefox, but degrades well in IE. It’s a known error and you can ignore it.
    If you really really wanted valid css you could remove the moz stuff, but I’d not worry about it.

    Save your css file to your computer.
    Then go here:
    and copy/paste your css into that. Paste the result back into your blog and then revalidate. It may throw something up – there is an error somewhere I can’t see.
    Do make that backup though.



    (the extra li that appears before the authors)

    ok I removed the li’s…
    .. I have no clue where those came from, possibly a cut and paste mistake on my part- I did add my form mail back to the sidebar-FF looks great as usual, IE splits it in half. Right after the “Name” field in the form-it breaks, you see ‘name’ then again it breaks all the way to the bottom. Podz-I figured out the moz-radius because I looked it up-tried removing it anyway and while it actually helped in FF in my opinion (with the h2’s in the sidebar) of course nothing in IE. I’ll look at the site you listed and see if I can come up with something. Resizing margins, padding etc., isn’t working.. so there is an error I’m completely missing.

    Fixed-not sure what was in the stylesheet, it did clean it up quite a bit-removing the li’s worked as well. It was my mistake on the form mail-I added in within another div-thanks all for the help-I appreciate it! Thanks Podz for the site! I’ll use it from now on to run checks.

    hey, i’m new here but the information is great as i’ve read up on a lot. I’m having trouble with this blog i’m putting together –

    The logo that i have placed in the sidebar shows up alright within firefox but for some reason it looks as if the sidebar image is shifted in IE, thus making the logo not match the sidebar image as it does in firefox as the shades of the color are off. Please help if you have any thoughts.

    This is the CSS for the page –

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