• A common problem i know but i have looked through a lot of forum posts today and still can’t figure this out.

    The sidebar on only the blog page of my website is being pushed down to the bottom of the page. Also, when i run a validation report on the website, i get a lot of errors but have no idea where to start.

    I have checked each post and there seem to be no extra <div> or anything else that is causing the problem. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Blog page is here

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  • The problem is associated with your AffiloTheme. Try to revert back to the WordPress default theme TwentyEleven and see if the problem persists.

    Thread Starter paddyinthesun


    I only changed theme a few days ago and need to keep it, is there any way of keeping the current theme and fixing the problems?

    No, the theme seems to be either badly edited or the upload of the theme was incomplete that created the problem. So, to locate the exact cause you have to revert back. That is the only way I find.

    Thread Starter paddyinthesun


    Ok, i’ve reverted back to 2011 and have only 2 errors now, just can’t figure out to solve it.

    Also, why do you think the affilotheme was not complete, it seemed to be working fine.

    <div> is not extra. Probably one </div> lacking due to poor editing. Sidebar is OK now with default theme.

    Fixing W3 Validation errors :

    1. Check that “Proudly powered by WordPress” – it will reduce one error
    2. </p> error probably coming up due to the fact, you have tick marked “Add Paragraphs automatically” in text widgets. Uncheck it, save it. Instead of automated plugin to show Reviews on sidebar, use hand coded HTML.
    3. pubdate : The correct format is :

    <time pubdate=”pubdate”> </time>

    4. rel=”category tag” – It needs HTML5 specific quick fix.

    See it on pastebin.

    Its small. Add to theme’s functions.php file.

    All errors should go away now.

    Thread Starter paddyinthesun


    Thanks Abhishek but none of the errors were related to what you said, they were from a unnecessary border=0 tag on an affiliate image link. I’m down to one error now.

    Can you explain what “Check that “Proudly powered by WordPress” – it will reduce one error” means? Check it for what?

    Thread Starter paddyinthesun


    Ok, i’ve moved back to my theme and have 31 errors to deal with. Having read a little bit more about validation, its not the definitive law regarding websites, in fact most websites have validation errors, check google.com or www.remarpro.com to see for yourself.

    Which brings me back to my problems, i still have a lot of validation errors and my blog page sidebar is still at the bottom of the page.

    Any ideas?

    but none of the errors were related to what you said, they were from a unnecessary border=0 tag on an affiliate image link.

    rel=”category tag”, “pubdate” were among the errors when you switched back to default and I tested. Anyway, that error you have asked is at Line 251, Column 102. Here is the copy paste of the validation output : https://pastebin.com/pAVB5RsY (Line 87 on pastebin). Now there are 9 Errors, 2 warning(s). As you are editing (quite obviously) and I was checking, there will be difference in number of errors.

    It seems you have reverted back to your old theme now with sidebar not at proper place.

    Krishna already said the answer and I will agree with him.

    Thread Starter paddyinthesun


    Thanks, thats right i’ve now reverted back to the problematic theme and i desperately want to use that theme so am attempting to clean it up. I’ve added the function you gave earlier to the theme but it hasn’t solved any of the current errors.

    Could you take another look at my site and let me know if you can see anything that might help me?

    It is practically better to change the theme. By the way, try to deactivate all plugins (just go to (s)FTP and put a dot (.) in the name of ./wp-content/plugins folder, remove the dot to activate.) and check.

    You can look for woothemes (has both free and premium themes) or Genesis of StudioPress (premium with unlimited domain usage). Most are XHTML or XHTML Transitional.

    Basically many themes (both free and premium) are not hand coded but converted from PSD to WordPress Theme using softwares. This creates a complex theme structure and generate problems later. So it is better either to create own child theme over default WordPress theme (source is on WordPress Codex) or use a flexible theme or theme framework.

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