Sorry to hear it is not working as it should. I did a little more digging…
Using Chrome developer tools, I changed it to display on the left and saw the tab at 350px from the top. That seems to work just fine. Displaying on the left is how it was originally designed and it seems like the right side is a bit quirky.
After looking at the CSS for the right side tab settings, I noticed it is displaying the tab too far to the right so you can’t see it. I played with the CSS a bit and found a workaround for now. Add this to your CSS file or custom CSS box in your theme if it has one.
.rum_sst_right {right: -101px;}
This changes the setting from -156px to -101px so the tab will display in view like it should.
I don’t know if this is site specific or global so I will have to do more testing before I push up a fix.
Give this a shot and report back to let us know if you got it working.