Hi @roadlink
I am sorry, we don’t have options to customize the space between the buttons, but with the “align” parameter you can control the way the remaining space is divided around the buttons. In the documentation you can inspect the supported values for the align parameter:
Anyways if you would like to customize the space between the Buttons, then you could either:
-use custom CSS to override the style of the buttons
-or you could create your own layout with “div” elements. On the div elements you could add padding, then into each of the div elements you could publish a single social button with the default style, like this:
[nextend_social_login provider="facebook"]
where instead of facebook you can enter the ID of the corresponding provider. This way you could create your own layouts.
( Note: If you go to the “Usage” tab of each provider, then in the “Shortcode” section you will find example for the publishing with the provider IDs. )