Open up sidebar.php and rearrange the way it is in there.
What theme are you using?
There are usually comments in the code telling you where the different blocks start and finish.
In kubrick, you would take the following block of code from sidebar.php and move it to the top, above (the searchform). You can change Meta to whatever you want while you’re doing that.
<?php wp_register(); ?>
<li><?php wp_loginout(); ?></li>
<li><a href="" title="This page validates as XHTML 1.0 Transitional">Valid <abbr title="eXtensible HyperText Markup Language">XHTML</abbr></a></li>
<li><a href=""><abbr title="XHTML Friends Network">XFN</abbr></a></li>
<li><a href="" title="Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform.">WordPress</a></li>
<?php wp_meta(); ?>