Side bar in internet explorer
Help! Please! My site used to display Internet Explorer fine. But recently it stopped displaying my sidebar correctly all of a sudden. Can someone tell me how to fix it?
Also for some reason in Internet Explorer the little subscribe box appears on the left and not the right where it should be like on firefox. Can i fix this? How?
Your now missing an
class. On your subscribe<div>
ther should be a <li class=”right”> in there.
Did you change anyhting inside of the index, page, single, front-page.php files?
What should be this… which looks good in IE.
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
The part that missing is this. `<li class=”right”>
<div class=”hrc”>
<h2>Subscribe</h2>`I ahve to go tend to my kid now, but I’ll check back later. You won’t ahve to pay them $100, we’ll figure this out.
When I fix it in dreamweaver and try to view it, it all lines up and the Bradly post looks like it should.
As you can see HERE!
where should i change this at? in what part?
So put that in the Home php and it made it look worse. It also made the side bar get pushed down again like it was before. So i still have the same issue with the comment looking funny in I.E.
Oh and the subscribe box is still to the left instead of the right as well in I.E., But everything looks normal in firefox. Please help if you can. I also want to thank you profusely for helping me so much!!
I just tried it again. This time just putting the specific code in home php on the line where i think it would go and it messed it up again. This time in I.E. and Firefox. Im sure it is something simple that im not doing but have no idea what it is.
Okay let see how your front page is made.
Go to your Dashboard and click on the Setting menu bar (on the left, and click Reading)
It should look like this
In the front page displays, Do you ahve anything selected? If so I’m assuming it’s home.Now navigate to your pages menu by cliking the “Pages” menu bar on the left side of the dashboard. Click to edit the “home” page.
On the right hand side is there a “template” selected for that page? If so what is it called, and paste it’s contents here.
Page Templatessurround the code you paste with the
at each end. So it will look like this <blockquote>
<?php your code ?>`</blockquote>.I’ll have a look in the morning, It’s 2am here. IE just isn’t doing what it told or the other browsers are being smart and picking up on the coders mistakes.
Cause when I download the age in Firefox. The code looks right. Like this.
<div id="content"></div>
Where as when I download it in IE it look like this `<div id=content></div>
The “” are very needed to web browsers, and I want to amke sure the coders did it correctly. I’m sure they did.. but then again they want to charge you $100 that should have been tested in the first place.
Also, it looks like “`<li class=”right”>
<div class=”hrc”>
<h2>Subscribe</h2>`”is already in there even before you suggested i add it. i dont know what im doing wrong now.
I went to the page section. I do not have a home page choice.
I understand that you have to go to sleep. Thank you again for all of your help. Please get back to me when you can.
This has always been bugging me and might exmplain why things magically work.
Open up
<style type="text/css" media="screen"> @import url( ); </style>
Replace with:
<link href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Everything looks like it should work.. I’m lost without really getting into you files.
*fingers crossed*Do you have a home.php by any chance? And could you post the code if you do.
Don’t forget to wrap the code you post in the `, by Clicking on the “Code Button, Pasting, Then clicking the code button again.
I’m stumped! It should be working cause the css says so, but IE isn’t following it. The fix may be my above post with changing your header.php file to what I said. As IE has an issues with the @import function. Not so much with IE8, but then again Microsoft failed with the web browser department. But we’ll see.
I did this: <link href=”<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_url’); ?>” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” />
And I think it is finally all working in every browser. What i dont get it why it suddenly stopped working like that in I.E.? I dont even remember doing anything to mess it up. Could that just suddenly happen again? Is it normal for it to just stop displaying properly in I.E.?
As always, thank you for your time and patience with me. It is TRULY appreciated.
Your very welcome.
Internet Explorer always had an issue with the @import function. IE7 use to ignore that method of “calling” up the stylesheet. Now with IE8 it’s suppose to be better. But obviously not.
Glad I could save you $100 also, which was a bad coding practice on their part to begin with. Need any more help feel free to post here at wordpress again, or drop me an email.
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