• I am wondering if there is any blog in that can shutdown the blog temporary apart from the admin. To give the site a huge update… or what so ever.

    When ever a user access the blog ( no matter which page ) it will comes out with a title saying it is going through bahbahhhh…….

    Or can this be done via other method?

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  • Moderator James Huff


    I believe there was a plugin for v1.2.x, but it was never updated for v1.5.x. The only solution that I’m aware of is to temporarily password protect the blog directory with .htaccess. See: https://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/htaccess3.shtml

    You could also put up an index.html in your blog root explaining that the site is down for maintainence.. On most servers this takes precendece over index.php, so your visitors would see the html page. (Though if they manually typed in index.php, it would still work.)

    Thread Starter ksec


    it world work yes….. if they came from google / to a sepefic page, than the index.html method wont work.

    Where can i find this 1.2.x plug in?

    True… you could use .htaccess to redirect everything to index.html, but that would be a pain.

    Interesting question. Invision boards have a feature that does this. I wonder if it would be possible to tear into how it works and try to apply it here somehow.

    Thread Starter ksec


    I think most BB Board have this function, so it can take down the whole site while the sites is doing a upgrade / backup makeover etc.

    I know this only happen in big sites. And for us small blogger it isn’t really useful. But somtime you may want to present something that is woth just doing that.

    I think a plug in like that would be useful. Anyone?

    Create a maintenance theme with an index.php that says the blog is closed for maintenance. All links into your blog will show this page. As long as WP is still in running condition during your maintenance, switching to your maintenance theme will put all visitors on notice without breaking any links. If WP itself is down during maintenance, neither this method nor a plugin will be helpful.

    Or you could use the “meta-refresh” comand in your header.php to redirect everyone to a html page. It seems eaisyest doing it that way….

    Cron – Symmetry In My Mind

    Or replace the index.php in your blog’s root with a document that’s not WordPress aware. Good for WP-related down time, and again, easy.

    Or replace the index.php in your blog’s root with a document that’s not WordPress aware.

    What do you mean by “not WP aware?”

    I have a simple plugin for it. I will publish it probably today.

    “What do you mean by “not WP aware?””

    It doesn’t load wp-blog-header.php.

    This is a really easy hack… well, if you aren’t already using a caching ‘plugin’ like WP-Cache.

    1. Create a php file in wp-content called advanced-cache.php.
    2. In advanced-cache.php, do whatever you want to do followed by an ‘exit();’, or simply do a ‘die(“Site is down for an overhaul.”);’.
    3. To ‘turn off’ the site, you add one line to the top of your wp-config.php:
    define('WP_CACHE', 'hack');

    All done. When you want to re-enable the site, comment that define out. When you want to disable the site, uncomment that define line.


    You can try this plugin:

    WordPress Plugin to Make your Blog Temporarily Unavailable for Maintenance.

    On activating your site will become unavailable to the world. On deactivating your site will be available again.

    No hack or code changes required. In other words zero-configuration.

    Let me know if that helps.

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