• Resolved sambinding


    Hi guys,
    Firstly, just to say this is a stunningly good theme. I’ve tried many over the years and I haven’t seen one in the same league as this.

    On desktop, when you hover over the portfolio grid on the homepage, the portfolio titles display, along with the categories. However as there is no way to hover on a mobile, there is no text when viewing the grid, so you can’t tell what the portfolios are without clicking through. Is it possible to disable the hover for mobile only, so the text displays? I’m using the free version fyi.


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  • hannah


    Hey Sam,
    Try adding this to your custom css box in Theme Options > Custom CSS:

    @media (min-width: 992px) {
    .portfolio-loop-image-container .portfolio-hover-item .portfolio-hover-item-inner {
        opacity: 1;

    Hope that helps!


    Thread Starter sambinding


    Thanks Hannah that’s perfect – I just changed it to max-width instead.




    Ha, good catch. Sorry about that. Glad you got it working!


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