Here is the full code creating the problem:
function quads_render_media_query( $key, $value ) {
$lic = get_option( ‘quads_wp_quads_pro_license_active’ );
if( !$lic || (is_object( $lic ) && $lic->success !== true) ) {
return ”;
$html = '';
if( isset( $value['desktop'] ) ) {
//$html .= '/* Hide on desktop */';
$html .= '@media only screen and (min-width:1140px){#quads-' . $key . ', .quads-' . $key . ' {display:none;}}' . "\n";
if( isset( $value['tablet_landscape'] ) ) {
//$html .= '/* Hide on tablet landscape */';
$html .= '@media only screen and (min-width:1024px) and (max-width:1140px) {#quads-' . $key . ', .quads-' . $key . ' {display:none;}}' . "\n";
if( isset( $value['tablet_portrait'] ) ) {
//$html .= '/* Hide on tablet portrait */';
$html .= '@media only screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1023px){#quads-' . $key . ', .quads-' . $key . ' {display:none;}}' . "\n";
if( isset( $value['phone'] ) ) {
//$html .= '/* Hide on mobile device */';
$html .= '@media only screen and (max-width:767px){#quads-' . $key . ', .quads-' . $key . ' {display:none;}}' . "\n";
return $html;
Here is the 909 line of this code:
if( !$lic || (is_object( $lic ) && $lic->success !== true) ) {
I just temporarily fix id by Comment out or remove the license check since you’re using the free version.
function quads_render_media_query( $key, $value ) {
// Using the free version, so no license check needed.
$html = '';
if( isset( $value['desktop'] ) ) {
//$html .= '/* Hide on desktop */';
$html .= '@media only screen and (min-width:1140px){#quads-' . $key . ', .quads-' . $key . ' {display:none;}}' . "\n";
if( isset( $value['tablet_landscape'] ) ) {
//$html .= '/* Hide on tablet landscape */';
$html .= '@media only screen and (min-width:1024px) and (max-width:1140px) {#quads-' . $key . ', .quads-' . $key . ' {display:none;}}' . "\n";
if( isset( $value['tablet_portrait'] ) ) {
//$html .= '/* Hide on tablet portrait */';
$html .= '@media only screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1023px){#quads-' . $key . ', .quads-' . $key . ' {display:none;}}' . "\n";
if( isset( $value['phone'] ) ) {
//$html .= '/* Hide on mobile device */';
$html .= '@media only screen and (max-width:767px){#quads-' . $key . ', .quads-' . $key . ' {display:none;}}' . "\n";
return $html;