Hi Yannik,
Sorry for the late reply.
I tried Permalink method; but it did not work for me. I switched back to the old method that I had specified in my first message.
This time, I tried showings categorized links on Buddypress group pages ( pages attached Buddypress groups that I had created using “Groups Extra plugin) in such a way that each group page displays the links (of a category)associated with that particular group.
I used the same syntax that used earlier ( [link-library categorylistoverride=”25″] [link-library-cats categorylistoverride=”25″] ) and as expected, the unwanted message “No categories found” appeared under the links.
Interestingly, the group page where I pasted the short code ,showed up the following code in the ‘Text mode’
<!-- Div Linklist -->
<div class="LinkLibraryCat LinkLibraryCat250 level0">
<!-- Div Category -->
<div id="handicrafts-decorations">
<!-- Div Category Name -->
<div class="linklistcatname"><!-- Div Cat Name --><span class="linklistcatclass">Handicrafts & Decorations</span></div>
<!-- DivOrHeader -->
<!-- Div Category Name -->
<li><a id="link-15368" class="track_this_link " href="https://youtu.be/tav5D9315RA" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Handicraft Training</a>
<span class="editlink"><a href="https://localhost/maxski/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=15368">(Edit)</a></span></li>
<!-- Div End Category -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery('#linklist1 a.track_this_link').click(function() {
linkid = this.id;
linkid = linkid.substring(5);
path = '..\..\..\..\maxski/';
jQuery.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: 'https://localhost/maxski/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', data: { action: 'link_library_tracker', _ajax_nonce: '11a167ce5e', id:linkid, xpath:path } });
return true;
jQuery('#linklist1 .expandlinks').click(function() {
target = '.' + jQuery(this).attr('id');
subcattarget = '.' + jQuery(this).attr('data-subcat');
if ( jQuery( target ).is(':visible') ) {
jQuery(this).children('img').attr('src', 'https://localhost/maxski/wp-content/plugins/link-library/icons/expand-32.png');
} else {
jQuery(this).children('img').attr('src', 'https://localhost/maxski/wp-content/plugins/link-library/icons/collapse-32.png');
jQuery('#linklist1 .linklistcatclass').click(function() {
jQuery('#linklist1 .linklistcatnamedesc').click(function() {
<!-- Div Linklist -->
<!-- End of Link Library Output -->
<!-- Link Library Categories Output -->
<div>No categories found.</div>
<!-- End of Link Library Categories Output -->
I think the last part of the code is causing “No categories found” message to appear below the links on my pages. Is there any work around to hide that message on all pages ?
It is the only hitch I have encountered so far, otherwise everything works perfectly!