Hey Ash,
What issues still remain? It looks to me like there’s now just one colon remaining, which is the default design of the plugin. To remove that one remaining colon, you’d unfortunately have to make custom versions of the Events Calendar views in your theme, and manually remove the colon from the HTML there.
For a guide on how to make these custom theme files, check out our official themer’s guide here → https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/themers-guide/
If your issues are things related to the alignment of the elements on your page and such, this is unfortunately something related to your theme and its CSS. Your best option in this case is to get a [free!] tool like Firebug if you use FireFox, or the Developer Tools for either Safari or Chrome –?these tools can help you find specific CSS on your site that is making things aligned a certain way, etc., and therefore can tell you exactly what you need to override.