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  • SoftDux


    I am trying to achieve the same as the OP, where a user can click a button to show some initially hidden rows (say row 10 – 15), but I don’t want to use any of the DataTable sorting features (i.e. Sorting, Search/Filtering, Pagination, Horizontal Scrolling, etc). So I enabled the “Use DataTables” tickbox but don’t see the buttons to show / hide the rows from row 6.

    I used the example code as given above, to see if / how it works:

    “aoColumnDefs”: [ { “bVisible”: false, “aTargets”: [ 5,6 ] } ]

    I also noticed that my “zebra” highlighting is gone. Every odd row had a grey color, which is now gone.

    The following is on the content page:

    [table id=1 datatables_colvis=”true” /]

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    did you install the actual Extension for this?

    Is the sorting/search/… working without the ColVis Extension enabled?

    Are you using colspan/rowspan in the table? That unfortunately is incompatible with the DataTables JS library ??

    Can you please post a link to the page where this does not work?





    Yes, I downloaded the plugin from the link you provided and it shows installed as follows:

    TablePress Extension: DataTables ColVis
    Deactivate | Edit
    Custom Extension for TablePress to add the DataTables ColVis functionality

    Version 1.0 | By Tobias B?thge | Visit plugin site

    The Search, pagination, etc doesn’t work when I have that custom command in, but as soon as I remove it, everything else works fine. This is on WP 3.5.1

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    ok, thanks for checking that. Then please post the link to the page with the table (when it does not work), and I will take a look.




    The website in question isn’t live yet but I’ll post a link to the site once it’s active on the internet.

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    ok, that sounds good! Just post the link here then, once it’s live.


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