Hello Nicola,
I believe there is a misunderstanding. I’m not talking about WooCommerce but about Analytics thus WC Admin functionality. The WooCommerce support board specifically said to come with all questions regarding Analytics here.
What I want to export: a list of all my product sales for a specific time period. The list of products shall not only include the parent variable products as is but also all their variations.
Now when I click Analytics in my wp-admin sidebar and then go to Products, I get a list of all the product sales for a specific period. To see how the variations of a variable product are doing, you need to click this variable product, which brings you to another page which only contains a list of the variations. But I actually would like to see these variations in the general list of all product sales.
When I export the general list for stock management I’m therefor missing vital sales information. And to export every variable product separately, only to add them later to the same excel sheet seems like misused energy.
So this is what I’m trying to know: is there a way to show all variations in the Analytics product sales list together with all the other products? Inside Wp Admin/Analytics?