@edoos Making the tooltips show on hover will require some knowledge of jQuery, and it’s got a few steps so I’d need to slate that as a future update. I can do that, since it would be something others would find useful.
The changes would involve changing modern-footnotes.js so that showing the popup occurs on the mouseenter event rather than the click event. Then, you would need to also add mouseenter events for the .modern-footnotes-footnote__connector class and .modern-footnotes-footnote__note class where you set a JavaScript variable that says the user is actively hovering over the tooltip. You’d add a mouseleave event to all three elements (connector, note and link) that uses setTimeout to set an event that will hide the footnote if the JavaScript variable doesn’t indicate the user is hovering over the tooltip.
Let me know if you’re trying the changes on your own, otherwise, I’ll add this into a future release! It’ll be an option that you can toggle: either show the footnotes on hover, or show them on click.