• Resolved markwebstar


    I’ve spent some time searching online to find out how to show the title and/or description of an image using singlepic & it seems there is no easy way around it, or any plans to include this in future versions of nextgen galley (please tell me if you know otherwise …)

    is it possible to do this if i pay for plus or pro ?

    btw – i’m currently using [singlepic id=xx w=320 h=240 float=none] to display images in my posts, and would like to have the option to show the image title below the image in the post, and the description when the image is expanded by clicking on it.

    thanks for any help or advice !


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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @markwebstar – Thanks for sharing those links but they are all resolving as 404 pages on your site.

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter markwebstar


    sorry about that – forgot to stop them being private – should be ok now.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @markwebstar – Have you tried more specificity in your custom CSS … are you including the <em> tag in your custom CSS for example?

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter markwebstar


    sorry cais – i don’t understand what you mean. even this basic coding is a bit beyond my capabilities.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @markwebstar – As much as we would like to help, we generally do not support customizations and implementing custom CSS / templates … if I understand correctly, you have a working solution in your first example above. What is wrong with the approach you are taking there?

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter markwebstar


    i appreciate that – you & benjamin have helped me a lot already.

    yes, things were working ok. the further questions were only becaus you recommended i shouldn’t use float to center the image.

    thanks very much though !

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @markwebstar – Yes, float is not a “centering” property … generally one would use margin: 0 auto (or something similar) to center an element.

    There are faux centering methods using padding but those are not generally recommended as they’re more hacks than proper CSS … but sometimes it can be a quick fix while you work on a more correct solution.

    – Cais.

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