• Hi I want to show the tags as a list in the sidebar along with the number of posts that each tag is associated with like,


    Is there some plugin that does this.

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  • This might work for you:

    $tags = get_tags( array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC') );
    foreach ( (array) $tags as $tag ) {
    echo '<a href="' . get_tag_link ($tag->term_id) . '" rel="tag">' . $tag->name . ' (' . $tag->count . ') </a>';

    Oops, found this plugin that might help also:

    I used the code shown above and it worked great.

    I’m trying to sort my tags by initial letter (all the A’s under A, etc.).

    From the “get_tags” function page I think the “name_like” argument should pull this off, but for some reason, it’s not working. This is what I have:

    $tags = get_tags( array('name_like' => "a", 'order' => 'ASC') );
    foreach ( (array) $tags as $tag ) {
    echo '<li><a href="' . get_tag_link ($tag->term_id) . '" rel="tag">' . $tag->name . ' </a></li>';

    Any thoughts on what I’m doing wrong? Am I using the name_like argument wrong?

    Thanks so much MichaelH!

    How can i include or exclude particular tags in the list ?

    hi michael
    i use :

    <?php list_tags(); ?>

    in my footer to show tags cloud
    but not working
    plz help me

    I am using the following code in my sidebar to show the list of tags with count for each.

    $tags = get_tags( array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC') );
    foreach ( (array) $tags as $tag ) {
    echo '<li><a href="' . get_tag_link ($tag->term_id) . '" rel="tag">' . $tag->name . ' (' . $tag->count . ') </a></li>';

    Is there a way to have only the top (for example) 15 tags to show in this list with a link below the tags to a page where I will show all my tags in a specific format, e.g. cloud.


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