Hello @uitvaart
The process is exactly the same:
If both forms are in the same page, and you want to use the values of fields in the form A, into the equations associated to the calculated fields in the form B, you need to assign first the values of fields from A to fields in B, and then, you can use the fields in the form B into its equations as usual.
I’ll try to describe the process with a hypothetical example:
Assuming you have two forms: form A, form B, and you want to use two fields in the form A from the equations in the form B
– First, assign an unique class name to the fields in the form A, for example: field-a-1, and field-a-2 respectively
– Second, insert two hidden fields in the form B (I’ll assume their names are: fieldname1 and fieldname2), and assign to them unique class names too: field-b-1 and field-b-2 respectively.
Note: the class names are assigned to the fields through their attributes: “Add CSS Layout Keywords”
– Third, insert a “HTML Content” field in the form B with the following piece of code as its conten, to populate the hidden fields with the values of fields in the form A:
jQuery(document).on('change', '.field-a-1 input', function(){
jQuery('.field-b-1 input').val(this.value).change();
jQuery(document).on('change', '.field-a-2 input', function(){
jQuery('.field-b-2 input').val(this.value).change();
jQuery(window).on('load', function(){
jQuery('.field-a-1 input').change();
jQuery('.field-a-2 input').change();
– Now, you can use the hidden fields: fieldname1 and fieldname2 in the equations associated to the calculated fields in the form B as usual.
Best regards.