• Anonymous User 13922460



    I am greatly enjoying using your Stargazer theme. However, I have one problem.

    When I create a sub category page, I get a menu on top of the category page with all the sub categories (that have posts in them). I would like a similar sub menu for sub pages as well. I see two ways of solving that problem, neither which I find possible at the moment. I am talking about this menu (ego 2): https://puu.sh/9VLbQ/e02b8cbc09.png

    1) I get the same menu for sub pages as for sub categories. This way, all my sub pages will be shown at the top. At the moment, I cannot get that menu for pages.

    2) I use sub categories instead of sub pages. I can now get the menu. However, I need a post for the menu to show, which I cannot do for site design reasons. Can I get the sub category to show without any posts (or “sorry, there’s nothing here” text) in it?

    Thank you for your help!

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