hmm, yes this seems to be the right direction, ive had a quik mess around and it seems to do this i have to adjust the * Mobile (Low Res) : 479px > 0 (320px) section , it looks like i may need to copy some of the calls made from the higher resolution sections to pull this off, like i said ive only had a quik look and will let you know if i solve it later.
I know you might also be wondering why on earth i would like to use up more space on an already limited size screen width, well the answer to this is that i have already managed to scale down everything to fit how i need it to on an iphone and can make room for the toggle sidebar at this width, now from experience with 2 kids and using iphones myself most people do infact stick to using portrait mode as you can see more on the screen below rather than using landscape mode, so it makes sense that if you have very long posts already with alot of comments that users may never even notice whats in the sidebars that fall below the content area (to me this is responsive designs downfall!) , i have already got to grips with designing my css using @media queries for the exact view i want to achieve on my websites but i have never been satisfied with the sidebar content falling so far down a page it can be un-noticed by most users, this seems like the perfect way to solve the problem.
maybe the author of hueman which is the best theme i have worked with btw! could bear this in mind and maybe even evolve the way sidebars are viewable on devices that are used below 480px ??
I ask you this! would it not be GREAT! if you could toggle sidebars in the same manner as menus from above the content area? now thats a thought for you to ponder over ??