You can add an element selector for each tab for a specific page. So when they click on anything inside the tab on that page (i.e a button, an image, a link etc..), it is recorded. Once that it setup, then we can look at creating a report.
To help make a meaningful report, what is it that you exactly want to see?
Do you want to view a report for a particular page, within a to and from date, of the percentage of clicks in each tab? Also with filtering for URLs and roles, possibly more. So it could look like a table like this:
Drop down:
URL: https://localhost/mypagewithtabs
Roles: All Users, Admins etc…
then a button to generate the tables below
Element Selector, Clicks/Clicks Count, Percentage
My Tab 1, 5, 5%
My Tab 2, 10, 10%
My Tab 3, 20, 20%,
My Tab 4, 0, 0%
Summary Table:
Total Clicks/Taps: 100
Element Selector: 35%
Other: 65%
Is this what you would be looking for? You could probably use Google Analytics to do some of this reporting already except it treats all users the same and only tracks links, not containers I believe.
Any more ideas are welcome and I can try and add this report into the plugin soon.