i understand you would like to have a separate page with the random expired ads? If so then please add the code below in your theme functions.php file.
add_filter( "adverts_list_query", function( $args, $params ) {
if( isset( $params["order_by"] ) && $params["order_by"] == "rand-expired" ) {
$args["orderby"] = array( "menu_order" => "DESC", "rand" => "DESC" );
$args["post_status"] = "expired";
return $args;
}, 10, 2 );
Then create page with the following shortcode
[adverts_list order_by="rand-expired"]
If you want to further customize the list you can use other [adverts_list] params listed here https://wpadverts.com/doc/creating-ads-list-adverts_list/ as well.