• Vizou


    Here’s a request to re-integrate post/page IDs; for CMS designers, this is a must and I had to look long and hard to find out that hovering on the page title in Manage/Posts or Pages would show it in my browser.

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  • +1 for Page ID, please! I also need to reassign IDs as the tree menu I use sorts on Page ID. How else can they be sorted except for date or alpha, both of which are useless to me.

    Cathy Mitchell


    +1 for all ID’s –
    I use them to create cross references between posts and pages – faster and simpler than the post slug.


    Completely insane to have removed them, please put them back. You’ve made life harder for all of us who are doing custom navigations and clever theming.

    It seems as if with this release (2.5) WP is trying as hard as possible to annoy long-term WP developers by making it HARDER to use than before; why exactly?

    How do you get the ID by hovering that everyone is mentioning. I’m on a mac and when I hover on title nothing changes in my browser bar. Ug. this is so frustrating.

    We now have a plugin for fixing this in 2.5, but it should really still be part of the core as it used to be.


    That Restore ID plugin works great. Thanks!

    This does seem like an embarrassing oversight in 2.5. I certainly expect it will be resolved in the next core release.

    Don’t thank me, thank Nick. He coded it, I simply made the suggestion. ??

    Thanks Nick. Would it be possible to add the ID’s of categories?

    Hi To All,
    Have used the latest versions of WP, on my localhost site. Still very awkward to use as a blogging platform. Seems WP is after progress and newness at any cost, ignoring what made the program good for bloggers.So am still with 2.3.3, for real blogging without the tears and frustration of the newest versions. The new version is neat, dont misunderstand what I say, just not neat for a multi-blog.


    Here I had used the theme generator, with fair results, as unable to find a theme suitable for my use.

    Apparently but those that don’t use a lot of static pages, it’s still seen as old hat in version 2.7. I just noticed it and lost at least an hour, until I finally thought they must have removed it. Little did I realize 2 version ago. Those of us with static page sites don’t change things that often.

    That said, main menu widget uses the page ID still.

    I agree with Talker in it seems they promote “newness” at any cost. Call plugins that don’t keep up with versions old and say the authors need to get with it. I think if upgrade material were released, feed back taken better, WP can grow.

    The option is a legacy version from every major release where bugs and security holes are fixed, but features left alone. This could make WP a much more enterprise application instead of living it’s life in beta.

    SOLVED: https://www.schloebe.de/wordpress/reveal-ids-for-wp-admin-25-plugin/#english

    Thanks, Alphawolf and the developers of the plugin.

    Hi To All,
    Well now, seems that my blog is stable with my way of doing a multi-blog posting. As I rechecked the updated versions of WordPress, no progress was made toward making posting easier for a blog like mine.Would really like to update to the latest version for many reasons, but I’m leary of doing so. Neat as the new versions are reported to be, it is still an awkward to use (for me) platform, from my look-sees at it. Nothing flashy (like many photos or ads) on my blog, just a simple bogging platform, that gets the job done. If you happen to visit my site, and see where some changes could be applied, and know how to apply it, would be appreciated.


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