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  • Plugin Author


    Sorry for the lateness of my reply. I only just saw the support section on this site – so sorry. I’ll have a look into it if your still interested. It won’t be a small job and it may be off somewhere in the future, but I’ll have a look.


    would love to see this feature.

    Plugin Author


    I don’t like to push through big updates because bugs can slip through too easily. However, I’m currently testing and finalizing a feature that will allow you to display a title and a custom excerpt over each image.

    This should be available shortly.

    Also I am adding a CSS section to the support website to help with more advanced styling options that arn’t included in the parameters section of the plugin. This will tie in with the update.


    Awesome. thanks again for your work.

    Plugin Author


    Version which contains title and custom excerpt functionality has just been released. There is also a page on the website with CSS styling details for the new functionality with examples.

    The update uses the display_post_titles=’true’ and display_post_excerpts=’true’ shortcode parameters to activate the new functionality.

    Great update of a really usefull plugin. But how would it be if you also could make it possible to show the dates of the posts?
    Hope for that.

    Plugin Author


    Hey Murklan,

    That may be a while away, but its definitely a possibility.

    Right now the focus is on testing a major update that fixes a whole number of issues with the plugin. It will:

    • Fix a number of major IE compatibility problems (entirely caused by broken IE ‘features’)
    • Fix a number of minor cross-browser styling inconsistencies
    • Add new features and options
    • Add large efficiency (i.e. performance) improvements
    • Eliminate unnecessary website overhead caused by the plugin
    • And address a number of bugs.

    The current pre-release of the update is available on the plugin’s website’s download page as a manual install.

    We expect it to be ready for release in the next week or so.

    Then future improvements could definitely be on the table.

    Great! I can wait.

    But now I tried out you latest beta but couldn’t get it to work. I got an errot ‘jQuery is not defined’. I seemes to be the line
    jQuery(document).ready(function() in masonry-post-gallery.php that is the problem. Have I missed something?

    Plugin Author


    Hey Murklan,

    Thanks for giving it a go. Its running on a few sites already, but different sites may have different setups. I’ll see if I can find whats wrong and see about fixing it shortly.

    Are you running the latest version of WordPress?

    Yes, I’m running the latest. You can see if you can find something here:
    passw: tester


    Plugin Author


    Thanks again Murklan.

    I completely missed that issue (hence the plugin still being unreleased), but your site doesn’t use jquery at all – its very tidy. Every site the plugin has been tested on already has jquery ready.

    JQuery is included in WordPress but its unavailable until its enqueued – an action that only needs to be done once.

    I’m a bit short on time right now and for the next couple of days, but I believe this oversight has been corrected in the newest pre-release.

    Thank you for alerting me,


    Aha, I see!
    I’ve enqueued JQuery now and are using WP 4.1 RC (but still had to enqueue JQuery myself). And your plugin is now working!

    I’ve got another questions regarding the margins/padding on the images… but should I start another thread on that?

    Thank you for such fast replys and good support!

    Plugin Author



    I put through another beta at the time of the last message that should enqueue jquery when its installed.

    I only had a few minutes to set it up, but it should do the job.

    If not, I’ll set up a testing sight without jquery on it and see what needs to be done.

    Also, cheers for getting back to me. It helps me make the plugin better.

    I suppose a new thread may be in order for that. Cheers

    Great! Your beta is now working (I downgraded to WP 4.01 again) with jquery.

    I’ll get another thread up in a minute about the design issues I’ve got. I think it will be usefull to many others… but might not be completely easy.

    Have a nice day!

    Plugin Author


    Cheers Murklan!

    That’s good news.

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