I looked into this, and added a couple new parameters for [field]
and [if]
to display/check current post’s post format.
Post format slug: [field post-format]
Post format label: [field post-format-name]
Post format label with link to archive: [field post-format-link]
[if format]
Post has post format.
Post has no post format.
[if format=audio]
Post has audio post format.
However, there was no easy way to support icons. This is because it depends on the theme if and what icons are loaded on the frontend. A couple ideas:
1) If the theme loads icon fonts, you can manually display them for each post format. You’ll have to figure out how to display them and which icons would be appropriate.
[if format=audio]
<i class="icon-audio"></i>
2) Or, you can include icon fonts/images in the theme yourself, then display them.
[if format=audio]
<img src="[url theme]/image/post-format/audio.png">
<img src="[url theme]/image/post-format/[field post-format].png">