• Hi there!

    First of all, congrats on this excellent plugin. It’s very well designed and provides a great way to share our albums without having to manually rehost them somewhere else or just linking to them.

    However, I find that the way it works (combined with the way Google Photos works), can make it almost unusable for some people… and I’ll explain:

    I have lots of albums on my Google Photos account, and many of them are collaborative albums that I share with my girlfriend (for instance, when we go on vacation trips) so we can both add pictures to them and see them later.

    But… here comes the problem: when you do this, Google automatically converts those albums to “public” albums… which means anyone who can access the link can see them. This is a problem on Google’s side in my opinion, but unfortunately is what we have to work with. Normally that’s ok for regular use, because nobody will find the link unless you share it with them.

    Now, on the plugin side, I can choose to show only “public” albums on my WordPress page. However, because of the issue explained above, this will also include albums that are actually “private” (between my GF and me) which I do not want to share on a website.

    The only workaround to this would be to use the “hide_albums” attribute on this plugin to list those albums that shouldn’t be shown here, and list them one by one. However, if like me you have LOTS of albums shared (privately) with your GF, with new ones appearing every few weeks… keeping this list up to date is an extremely inconvenient process, and can also even be dangerous. E.g.: you share something privately but you don’t have access to your WordPress dashboard (maybe you’re on holidays), so for a few hours/days all those private photos are publicly exposed to anyone who enters your website!

    In my opinion, the best way to sort this out would be to add another attribute: “show_albums”. If not empty, this attribute should probably take preference over the “hide_albums” one (since it’s more restrictive), and it would mean only the albums you list there are shown in the page.

    What are your thoughts on this? Would this be terribly hard to implement?

    I know I’m just one person, but judging by other forum threads both here and on Google support forums, I believe there is a strong interest in something like this. It would certainly convince me to finally pay for the Pro version for sure…

    Let me know what you think!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by victorml.
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  • Hi,

    I certainly support this request as I am going through the same problem. As I bought the plug in, I tried to display specific albums in separate articles, but there seems to be an issue with displaying albums based on an album ID. So the requested functionality would be a huge help.


    So even if the plugin has been purchased I won’t be able to select specific albums?

    I would love this function. I want to select which albums to display, rather than which albums to hide.

    @aldoy According to available information, the answer is no.
    If this feature was implemented, I would buy the PRO version of this plug-in.

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