Dear ronwords and FelicaBlakesleei
Hi. I’m not professional in this field at all. However, if you open a new post for your new problems ( even a rudimentary one), a lot of experts will help you. Anyway, if your idea is to show only thumbnails ( as it was my issue in this post), first you should upload images in the size appropriate for a thumbnail (e.g. 150*150 px) onto the media library. Next, in the post editor on the lower right of your post editing pane, there is a button ( called: Featured Image) by which you can select your thumbnail from the library and publish on your specific posts. Now, for hiding contents it is just needed to press more button (in the post editor panel) to put <!--more-->
at the top of your post and press publish. You can see your posts shown by titles and thumbnail on your post page subsequently. At last, to hide the title of posts you should put these CSS codes in your style.css file ( for many reason, it would be better for you to create a child theme and do these on that): {
display: none;