• I have put up a site with all pages individually as categories. It is almost done, but I have two problems:

    1) I want the frontpage to not show all the category posts. Becuase this eventually causes all my pages’ matter to be displayed. I just want the frontpage to show stuff from one category only.
    Is this possible?

    2) I want to change the text in “title” tag of the categories listing.

    Any help on this will be appreciated.

    Site url: https://www.sumeetsingh.net

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  • 1 – Kitten’s plugin should do that.

    2 – Edit the menu ?

    Thread Starter sumeetsingh


    Podz, thanks for the response.

    1) Though the plugin is not available on the kitten’s page anymore, i’ll still look for some plugin elsewhere.

    2) About the second question, the menu that is there on the site, are actually categories in wordpress. So using CSS, i am listing the ctaegories to look like menu on the site. I want to change the default “title” text tag from something like “View All posts in category” to just “Name of the category”.

    Thread Starter sumeetsingh


    Actually to elaborate on problem 1, I want the first page, when it opens should show post from only one category. This will be my home category. Other categories like about, and contact will have entries, but those should not be displayed at this time. Only when someone clicks on the category name, it will be displayed.

    I looked much on google and elsewhere and found some threads that will hide posts from one particular category and will not show it. Here is one of them:

    Couldnt gather much…

    Kitten is in the process of moving all of her work to the dev.wp-plugins.org repository. According to her web site she is currently vacationing, so you will have to be patient if you wish to use that plugin.

    Also, your question of only wanting to display one category on the front page is VERY common, and a Google search should net you lots of threads to check out.

    https://tinyurl.com/49qff – Google results page.

    EDIT 2:
    It’s a good idea to ask only one question per thread, as well.

    I found this, don’t know if it works though, I haven’t tried it.

    Thread Starter sumeetsingh


    Problem 1:

    I was able to acheive what I wanted to, looking at few threads and adding this to my index page:

    if (empty($_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’])) {
    $cat = “1”;
    /* Don’t remove this line. */ require(‘./wp-blog-header.php’); ?>

    And it did the trick.

    About the second problem, can anyone please help me with it? Changing the text of the title tag in the category list that is generated by <?php list_cats()?>.

    I’ll keep in mind about asking one problem per thread. I apologise.

    Thread Starter sumeetsingh


    Ok.. I solved the problem 2 also after going through the files.

    Changed some para in wp-includes/template-functions-category.php and it works now.

    Thanks everyone for the support. This place rocks!!

    Glad to see you got it sorted out, and thank you for posting your results.

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