I have code to fix the Widget, I finally tracked it down yesterday. The biggest issue is that in the last couple of weeks I’ve been pouring through the code to fix php strict errors, which has also turned up a few other things. That being said, there are a lot of files that have been touched, so I’m working on pushing out an interim update to fix the biggest issues, the Widget being one of them, then will release the rest. Or, I might decide to just get everything out, but that’ll take a few days probably. I think I’m going to make a couple of things optional in the Widget set up, Season and Group in the title aren’t going to be needed by everyone…
Anyway, what I can do for you is send you links to the files that will fix the Widget issue so you can at least have that behind you and then the rest will come when they come, if that works for you. At that point, you can merge your changes in with the files as you wish. Just make sure you keep a clean copy of your code safe so that it’s not overwritten. I know I’m not telling you anything new or that you don’t already know, but I’ve lost a few custom changes myself on updates when I just forget what I had done and in what files I had done it in the rush to update a system…
I know you had asked about American Football, I’d like to work with you to make the new sport file work as well as possible if you’re interested in helping with some ideas. Let me know what you’d like to see in the file and we can see what we can do to bring it together. One of the bigger changes that I’m working on is pulling the teams and players out of the league so that they are independent. That way players can move around, as we know they do in football (and most, if not all sports) and we can work with stats better…