• Good day,

    I would like to place a large badge thumbnail in a widget that only shows the newest badge earned from that a given badge type.

    How would I go about targeting the newest badge within a specific achievement type?

    This is the code I’ve started with, but it is obviously missing the actual targeting of the newest badge.

    function fluency_percentage($atts){		
    	$badge_atts = shortcode_atts(array(
            'size' => 'auto',
            'type' => '',
       		 ), $atts );
    		$size = $badge_atts['size'];
    		$badge_id = ???
    		$achievement-type = $badge_atts['type']
    		$image_size = array($size,$size);
    		$earned_achievements = badgeos_get_user_earned_achievement_ids( get_current_user_id() );
    		$css_class = 'fluency-percentage'; // Set a special css class.
    		if (in_array($badge_id, $earned_achievements)) {
    				$css_class = 'earned-badge';
    		$output .= '<span class="badge-icon">';
    		$output .= badgeos_get_achievement_post_thumbnail( $badge_id, $image_size, $css_class );
    		$output .= '</span>';
    		return $output;

    Any help is greatly appreciated!


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  • Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Is this for the newest available badge? or the latest-earned badge from the current user? Important distinction.

    Thread Starter mkocher


    It is for the newest-earned badge from the current user… of a specific achievement-type.

    I guess that would be an important distinction! ??

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    You could use the following function:

    badgeos_get_user_achievements( $args )

    $args would be an array you want to pass in with the following indexes available:

    $defaults = array(
    	'user_id'          => 0,     // The given user's ID
    	'site_id'          => get_current_blog_id(), // The given site's ID
    	'achievement_id'   => false, // A specific achievement's post ID
    	'achievement_type' => false, // A specific achievement type
    	'since'            => 0,     // A specific timestamp to use in place of $limit_in_days

    You’d want to specify the user ID to fetch, and the achievement type.

    After that, you should have an array of all their achievements of that type, then you just need to use something like array_slice() to get just the first one.

    Thread Starter mkocher


    Thanks! I’ll give that a try.

    Did you end up figuring out how to do this?

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    the method I pointed out above should work just fine, either use array_slice() or just reference the first index: $achievements[0]

    Thread Starter mkocher


    I’m not great with php and couldn’t get array_slice() to work right, but I did get it to work by using this. It’s overkill but it does the job and allows the flexability to show the newest X badges. It’s based off the widget.

    This is the short code I made, but you can modify with little trouble.

    function badgetype_achievement($atts) {
    $badge_atts = shortcode_atts(array(
            'badgetype' => '',
            'show' => '1',
            'size' => '1000',
            'class' => '',
       		 ), $atts );
       		$badgetype = $badge_atts['badgetype'];
    		$number_to_show = $badge_atts['show'];
    		$size = $badge_atts['size'];
    		$badge_type_class =  $badge_atts['class'];
    		$image_size = array($size,$size);
    		$thecount	= 0;
    	$set_achievements = array($badgetype);
    	$stuff = array(
    	'user_id'          => 0,     // The given user's ID
    	'achievement_type' => $badgetype, // A specific achievement type
    $achievements = badgeos_get_user_achievements( $stuff );
    			//show most recently earned achievement first
    			$achievements = array_reverse( $achievements );
    	foreach ( $achievements as $achievement ) {
    			$img = badgeos_get_achievement_post_thumbnail( $achievement->ID, $image_size, 'wp-post-image' );
    			$thumb	= $img ? '<a style="margin-top: -25px;" class="badgeos-item-thumb" href="' . esc_url( $permalink ) . '">' . $img . '</a>' : '';
    		echo '<li id="widget-achievements-listing-item-' . absint( $achievement->ID ) . '" ' . $credly_ID . ' class="'. esc_attr( $badge_type_class )  . esc_attr( $item_class ) . '">';
    						echo $thumb;
    						echo '<a class="widget-badgeos-item-title ' . esc_attr( $class ) . '" href="' . esc_url( $permalink ) . '">' . esc_html( $title ) . '</a>';
    						echo '</li>';
    						if ( $thecount == $number_to_show && $number_to_show != 0 ) {
    						break; }				
    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Only real issue I see with what you have above is that you never set the $permalink variable. Otherwise, if it works, it works.

    Thread Starter mkocher


    Ya, I for what I was building I didn’t want a link.

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