Ok, as I stated before I removed the plugin and reinstalled it, all the testimonials are gone. I then looked at the page and low and behold it has the image banner but no testimonials. I added a testimonial and bingo there it was, with the “Next” and “Previous” links.
So my thought is that the reinstall fixed it. Off I go adding all the testimonials back in. Half way through I want to check them out…..bzzzt same issue.
I was copying an pasting the testimonials from the test site so my thought was there might be some weird hidden character in one of them causing problems. I started deleting the testimonials until I could see them again.
I get down to 4. I copy and paste the text for the next testimonial into Notepad++ and have it display hidden characters, none there. So I add it as a testimonial, problem reappears.
I notice the testimonial text has a minus sign in it, I delete that, no joy. It is fairly long, reduce it, nope, no good, so I delete it altogether. I create a new testimonial with 2 words in it, no good. I remove the “show links”, they all appear.
So the issue only happens when:
- More than 4 testimonials
- Be logged out of WordPress
- Include the “show_links=true” shortcode.
Still works on my test site though. I am downloading both to do a file by file comparison.