Sorry for the delay, I did not get the usual email notifications, well I did, but somehow now in my Spam box.
Anyway, I tested the version 1.1 and it does the job, with 1 little thing.
I have to add a <br>
(line break) before the subtitle, but it would be better if it is done in the php as standard. Now it is just added after the title without even a space.
Also something 1.0 also has, after saving the widget settings the subtitle text is always stripped from any html. It displayed correct with the inserted html, but every time when a widget needs to be re-saved, I now also have to re-enter the subtitle again with html.
Further for future development, maybe in the setting a standard font size for the subtitle, so it is smaller then the title.
Anyway the main issue works and all other little things I can resolve with html in the subtitle.
What do I do with the above code for the functions.php ?
I added it (without the opening and closing php of course), but that just undo the subtitle new placement and stays the same as version 1.0
I was hoping it would give the option to select before or after placement, so V1.0 or V1.1 for placement. That would be ideal.
Thanks, Ron