• Great plugin, but one item is not working:

    WP: 4.2.4
    PP: 6.3.3

    The documentation is unclear as to how to ensure that episode specific images are communicated via RSS, and thus show up in podcast apps.

    I use the Podcast Addict app as my test bed. I see other podcasts (Ari Shaffir’s Septic Tank) show episode specific thumbnails. Implementing everything in PowerPress that looks appropriate, and specifying a Featured Image for each, no images are making it to Podcast Addict.

    I checked the RSS feed, and I see image in the feed under item/description and item/content:encoded.

    So, what am I missing? What do I need to do to get PP to send the episode image so that apps pick it up and display it?

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  • Plugin Support Shawn


    First off, you aren’t using the latest version of PowerPress, so you should consider upgrading unless you have a very specific reason not to.

    Episode-level art can be set in two places: The RSS feed or the ID3 tags of individual media files. Different podcast apps treat episode-level art in different ways. Some will pull it from the RSS feed. Some will pull it from the ID3 tags. In order to cover as many apps as possible, you should be adding the episode-level art to your media files’ ID3 tags as well as adding it to the feed.

    Thread Starter toughthingsfirst


    Thanks Shawn for some new insight. I’ll investigate ID3 editors next.

    Meanwhile, are the image tags I listed in the RSS XML correct in terms of what podcast apps should use? I checked Play Music and some of the web based podcast sites, and none are showing episode specific images.

    Thread Starter toughthingsfirst


    Now I am a bit more confused looking into it more deeply.

    First, here is a screen shot (within podcast addict) of the episodes for Septic Tank:

    Here is a screen shot of the episodes for my project. Notice that the default podcast art is replicated for each episode:

    But when I look at an individual episode, the episode-specific art is in the app:

    So how do I get the episode-specific art up into the list of episodes?

    Plugin Support Shawn


    I found your podcast RSS feed here:
    I looked at the source code of the feed. The most recent episode-level iTunes image tag is linking here:
    Which is your standard podcast logo. The next episode in the feed is linking here for the episode-level artwork:
    It’s the same image as the previous episode and again, it’s the standard podcast logo for your show. A quick run thru your feed and it looks like *all* of your episode-level iTunes image tags are linking to this file. So, that’d explain why some apps are showing this as your episode-level artwork. Do you know if you specifically linked to different images for your episodes when you added the Podcast Episodes to your site?

    Thread Starter toughthingsfirst


    Do you know if you specifically linked to different images for your episodes when you added the Podcast Episodes to your site?

    I’m unclear on the question, but will try to answer and ask one of my own.

    I’m unsure what specific linking you mean. My understanding of PowerPress was that post featured Images became the episode images.

    I had mentioned in a reply (which I do not see above) that I see the thumbnails of the Featured Image in the RSS feed, and was thinking those were what was supposed to be used by the apps. Herein (and I put spaces in to prevent the pictures from being shown):

    <img width="150" height="150" src="https://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/dont-listen-150x150.png" alt="dont listen" />Communication is the heart of an organization and the heart of relationships. However, there are time we try not to listen to one another. Learn the signs of when listening leads to bad results.
    <img width="150" height="150" src="https://toughthingsfirst.com/ wp-content/uploads/dont-listen-150x150.png" alt="dont listen" /><img width="600" height="430" src="https://toughthingsfirst.com/ wp-content/uploads/dont-listen.png" alt="dont listen" /><p>Communication is the heart of an organization and the heart of relationships. However, there are time we try not to listen to one another. Learn the signs of when listening leads to bad results.</p>

    So my related questions are:

    1. Is there a PowerPress config option that causes podcast art to override episode art?
    2. Are the tags I’m seeing above the right ones for episode art to be used, and if so, why isn’t it working?
    Plugin Support Shawn


    Here’s what you need to do to get the episode-level images into the feed:
    1.) Go to PowerPress >> Settings, Advanced Mode >> Episodes tab.
    2.) Check the box next to iTunes Episode Image Field and click the Save Changes button.
    3.) You’ll now have an iTunes Image field at the bottom of your Podcast Episode entry boxes. Copy/paste the URL for that particular episode into this field and save it with your post.

    This’ll put the episode-level images into your feed. PowerPress doesn’t pull images from either the Featured Images on your site or your blog posts.

    Thread Starter toughthingsfirst


    Bongo! Hand to upgrade PowerPress to get the Episodes tab, but it checks out. Thanks.

    Plugin Support Shawn


    Glad to see that helped you out. Please let us know if you run into any other issues.

    If you’ve found the support we’ve provided here to be of value, please consider leaving a review for PowerPress:
    These reviews help us with future development of the plugin, and we’d really appreciate it!

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