Installed this as I wanted to use two different product category widgets in WooCommerce; however whilst I can get both to show on mobile at once, or only the dropdown version (for mobile) if I don’t hide the dropdown on mobile, I can’t just get the dropdown version to show on mobile, and the list to show on desktop.
Whenever I try and do so, neither widgets show on mobile. It seems the desktop one is there, but hidden, but the mobile one isn’t even rendered.
The Desktop/Tablet category list shows at 768px (though sometimes it doesn’t, I’m not sure why – this was during testing with Chrome inspector resizing the screen – I believe it is more likely NOT to display at 768px when using the “Device toolbar, set at “responsive”).
With both scenarios above, the desktop/tablet one always comes in at 992px
If I change it to using the “Show” option rather than “Hide” it acts the same way.
It seems the only way I can get JUST the dropdown to show on mobile is to set the Desktop/Tablet to “hide on mobile”, and not set anything for the Mobile (dropdown) version. This causes it to:
Displays ONLY the dropdown < 768px
>= 768px BOTH display; however, sometimes the Desktop/Tablet one stops displaying once we hit around 785px (sometimes 870px) and only reappears once we are at 992px (in both scenarios)
So, overall very strange behaviour. I’m thinking perhaps a lot of this is due to the “orientation” setting used in the media queries?
Currently I have resorted to using my own CSS code to do what I need, until this issue is fixed.
Thanks for sending screenshots and we appreciate your efforts. I have tried reproducing the issue on my local website, but regrettably, we can’t replicate the problem. While our development team is trying to troubleshoot this issue, may we know what version of Widget Options you were using?