Hi Franky,
I tried to solve the prob the last days without success.
What I want is to show the entire yesterday till 5 in the morning.
To use a filter is not an option because some of the imported events have endtimes days or weeks after the starttime. So I need to use showongoing=0.
I did these before by changing my blog-time to another timezone, which fits my needs. But this causes problems with the FB-Sync-Addon. Because the inserted events get the fb-event-starttime minus the difference to my selected timezone in the blog.
If an event starts on 20:00 it is inserted with the starttime 15:00.
I guess to solve it by php programming is the only possible way. I tried to read me into the code (I am a noob in php) and couldn′t find the function eme_get_events.
Did you mean the eme_get_events_page function?
However, my idea was to tell the Fb-sync-Addon in the eme-sync-facebook-events.php to add the difference of hours to the imported events.
I found line 217 $offset = get_option(‘gmt_offset’)*3600-date(‘Z’);
and the lines 275 to 277
$offsetStart = strtotime($fb_event[‘start_time’])+$offset;
$event[‘event_start_date’]=date(“Y-m-d”, $offsetStart);
$event[‘event_start_time’]=date(“H:i”, $offsetStart);
I tried several things to put something like ‘+5 hours’ or ‘+ 18000’ in there, but with no success.
Am I on the completely wrong path?
Would it be a cleaner option to tell the eme_events List to change the day at 5 in the morning instead of midnight, so I can use the correct timezone in my blog, but the entire ended day is shown till 5 in the morning?
Thanks for any advice