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  • Thread Starter YECommunications



    There are a bunch of ways to do it but I added a filter on the get_price_html

    Here is my code which I have tested for the percentage option not fixed or flat.

    Should give you the basic idea.

    I edited the Bulk Discount plugin directly which is probably not advisable. should put it in a separate plugin.

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_price_html', array( $this, 'filter_get_price_html' ), 10, 2);

    		 * Hook to woocommerce_get_price_html filter.
    		 * @param $price
    		 * @param $_product
    		 * @return string
    		public function filter_get_price_html( $price , $_product) {
    			if ( !$_product ) {
    				return $price;
    			if ( $this->coupon_check() ) {
    				return $price;
    			if ( get_post_meta( $_product->id, "_bulkdiscount_enabled", true ) != '' && get_post_meta( $_product->id, "_bulkdiscount_enabled", true ) !== 'yes' ) {
    				return $price;
          $bulkDiscountType = get_option( 'woocommerce_t4m_discount_type', '' );
    /*      if ($bulkDiscountType == 'flat'){
              echo '<p>Flat bulk discount</p>';
          } else if ($bulkDiscountType == 'fixed') {
              echo '<p>Fixed bulk discount</p>';
          }  else {
              echo '<p>Percentage bulk discount</p>';
          //get the array of discounts
          $origPrice = $_product->get_price();
          //echo "<p>original Price = $origPrice </p>";
          $q = array( 0.0 );
    			$d = array( 0.0 );
          $priceList = array(0.0);
          $product_id = $_product->get_id();
          //echo "<p>product ID = $product_id </p>";
    			/* get all the possible discounts */
    			for ( $i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++ ) {
    				array_push( $q, get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_quantity_$i", true ) );
    				if ( $bulkDiscountType == 'flat' ) {
    					array_push( $priceList, get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_discount_flat_$i", true ) ? get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_discount_flat_$i", true ) : 0.0 );
    				} else if ( $bulkDiscountType == 'fixed' ) {
    					array_push( $d, get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_discount_fixed_$i", true ) ? get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_discount_fixed_$i", true ) : 0.0 );
              array_push( $priceList, $origPrice - $d[$i] );
    				} else {
    					array_push( $d, get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_discount_$i", true ) ? get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_discount_$i", true ) : 0.0 );
              array_push( $priceList, $origPrice * min( 1.0, max( 0, ( 100.0 - round( $d[$i], 2 ) ) / 100.0 ) ));
    		$priceTable = <<<TABLEOPEN
    <table class="woocommerce-bulk-pricing-table">
    		for ( $j = 1; $j <= 5; $j++ ) {
            	if ($q[$j] > 0.0)  {
      				$priceTable .="<tr>\n";
          			$priceTable .="<td>$q[$j]</td>\n";
        			$priceTable .="<td>".wc_price($priceList[$j]);
    				if ($bulkDiscountType == 'flat'){
    					$priceTable .=" rebate";
        			$priceTable .="</td>\n"; 
        			$priceTable .="</tr>\n"; 
    		$priceTable .="</table>\n"; 
    			return $priceTable;
    Thread Starter YECommunications


    thanks for the reply,

    but as i really don’t know how to change your code to one for fixed discount, i would prefer if the plugin creator would respond hahaha ??

    but thanks anyway!

    I did make it work for fixed and flat but not sure if I got them correct I just haven’t tested. I assumed that fixed meant you specify the price above a certain quantity. e.g. 1 = $2.00 10 = $1.83
    flat was once you reached a certain quantity you got money back e.g. 10$ off if you buy 100

    If the creator is OK with my code, I am willing to put in the work to add this feature properly into the plugin.


    Thread Starter YECommunications


    should i add complete code in functions.php?

    I fixed it so that it doesn’t display on admin pages and this code will work in functions.php

            add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_price_html', 'filter_get_price_html', 10, 2);
    		 * Hook to woocommerce_get_price_html filter.
    		 * @param $price
    		 * @param $_product
    		 * @return string
    		function filter_get_price_html( $price , $_product) {
    			if ( !$_product ) {
    				return $price;
    			if (is_admin()){
    				return $price;
    			global $woocommerce;
    			if ( get_option( 'woocommerce_t4m_remove_discount_on_coupon', 'yes' ) == 'yes' && !( empty( $woocommerce->cart->applied_coupons ) )) {
    				return $price;
    			if ( $this->coupon_check() ) {
    				return $price;
    			if ( get_post_meta( $_product->id, "_bulkdiscount_enabled", true ) != '' && get_post_meta( $_product->id, "_bulkdiscount_enabled", true ) !== 'yes' ) {
    				return $price;
    			$bulkDiscountType = get_option( 'woocommerce_t4m_discount_type', '' );
    		/*      if ($bulkDiscountType == 'flat'){
    				echo '<p>Flat bulk discount</p>';
    			} else if ($bulkDiscountType == 'fixed') {
    				echo '<p>Fixed bulk discount</p>';
    			}  else {
    				echo '<p>Percentage bulk discount</p>';
    			//get the array of discounts
    			$origPrice = $_product->get_price();
    			//echo "<p>original Price = $origPrice </p>";
    			$q = array( 0.0 );
    			$d = array( 0.0 );
    			$priceList = array(0.0);
    			$foundPriceBreak = FALSE;
    			$product_id = $_product->get_id();
    			//echo "<p>product ID = $product_id </p>";
    			/* get all the possible discounts */
    			for ( $i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++ ) {
    				array_push( $q, get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_quantity_$i", true ) );
    				if ( $bulkDiscountType == 'flat' ) {
    					array_push( $priceList, get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_discount_flat_$i", true ) ? get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_discount_flat_$i", true ) : 0.0 );
    				} else if ( $bulkDiscountType == 'fixed' ) {
    					array_push( $d, get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_discount_fixed_$i", true ) ? get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_discount_fixed_$i", true ) : 0.0 );
              			array_push( $priceList, $origPrice - $d[$i] );
    				} else {
    					array_push( $d, get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_discount_$i", true ) ? get_post_meta( $product_id, "_bulkdiscount_discount_$i", true ) : 0.0 );
        				array_push( $priceList, $origPrice * min( 1.0, max( 0, ( 100.0 - round( $d[$i], 2 ) ) / 100.0 ) ));
    			$priceTable = <<<TABLEOPEN
    <table class="woocommerce-bulk-pricing-table">
    			for ( $j = 1; $j <= 5; $j++ ) {
    				if ($q[$j] > 0.0)  {
    					$foundPriceBreak = TRUE;
    					$priceTable .="<tr>\n";
    					$priceTable .="<td>$q[$j]</td>\n";
    					$priceTable .="<td>".wc_price($priceList[$j]);
    					if ($bulkDiscountType == 'flat'){
    						$priceTable .=" rebate";
    					$priceTable .="</td>\n"; 
    					$priceTable .="</tr>\n"; 
    			$priceTable .="</table>\n"; 
    			if ($foundPriceBreak){
    				return $priceTable;
    			return $price;
    Thread Starter YECommunications


    thanks a lot! this works great!

    Hi Leo, great and working code for single products, without variations. Do you have an idea how it could be modified to work also with different product variations? Thanks for your time! Adam



    Hi Leo, it is a great code, but I just need something lite. If you could give an advice, how to show “from – to” price, on the shop page and product page. For example 100$-300$, where 100$ is lowest price and 300$ is a biggest price for variable products.
    Thank you a lot in advance!


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