In fazio/comments.php, wrap all this code:
if(function_exists('comment_form')) :
'comment_notes_before' => '',
'comment_notes_after' => '',
'logged_in_as' => '',
'comment_field' => '<p class="comment-form-comment"><textarea id="comment" name="comment" cols="45" rows="8"></textarea></p>'
else :
<?php if(comments_open()) : ?>
<div id="respond">
<h3 id="reply-title"><?php _e('Leave a Reply'); ?> <small><?php cancel_comment_reply_link(); ?></small></h3>
<form action="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?>/wp-comments-post.php" method="post" id="commentform">
if(get_option('comment_registration') && !$user_ID)
<?php printf(__('You must be <a href="%1$s/wp-login.php?redirect_to=%2$s">logged in</a> to post a comment.'), get_option('siteurl'), urlencode(get_permalink())); ?>
} else {
<?php if(!is_user_logged_in()) { ?>
<p class="comment-form-author">
<input type="text" name="author" class="data_author" value="<?php _e('Name', 'fazio'); ?>" data-defaultvalue="<?php _e('Name', 'fazio'); ?>">
<p class="comment-form-email">
<input type="text" name="email" class="data_email" value="<?php _e('Email', 'fazio'); ?>" data-defaultvalue="<?php _e('Email', 'fazio'); ?>">
<p class="comment-form-url">
<input type="text" name="url" class="data_url" value="<?php _e('Website', 'fazio'); ?>" data-defaultvalue="<?php _e('Website', 'fazio'); ?>">
<?php } ?>
<textarea name="comment" id="comment" class="data_comment"></textarea>
<?php comment_id_fields(); ?>
<input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit" value="<?php _e('Send comment', 'fazio'); ?>">
</div><!-- end respond -->
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if(!is_single()) : ?>
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">Leave a comment</a>
<?php else : ?>
... the code ...
<?php endif; ?>
This will show a “leave a comment” link when you are NOt viewing a single post.