• I have site for cars offers which contain: maker, model, year, fuel type… etc. I have shortcode which display short info about offer enter image description here

    I want to replace “Fuel cons” with “Fuel type” and “Mileage” with “Gearbox type”

    Here is photo preview

    This is the php file for registered categories:

    //Fuel Types
    register_taxonomy($post_type . '_fuel_type', array($post_type), array(
            'hierarchical' => false,
            'labels' => array
                'name' => TF_SEEK_HELPER::get_option('seek_property_name_singular') .' '.__( 'Fuel Types','tfuse' ),
                'singular_name' => TF_SEEK_HELPER::get_option('seek_property_name_singular') .' '. __( 'Fuel Type','tfuse' ),
                'search_items' =>  __( 'Search','tfuse'). ' ' . TF_SEEK_HELPER::get_option('seek_property_name_singular') .' '.__('Fuel Types','tfuse' ),
                'all_items' => __( 'All','tfuse') .' '. TF_SEEK_HELPER::get_option('seek_property_name_singular') .' '. __('Fuel Types','tfuse' ),
                'edit_item' => __( 'Edit','') .' '. TF_SEEK_HELPER::get_option('seek_property_name_singular') .' '. __('Fuel Type','tfuse' ),
                'update_item' => __( 'Update','tfuse') .' '. TF_SEEK_HELPER::get_option('seek_property_name_singular') .' '. __('Fuel Type','tfuse' ),
                'add_new_item' => __( 'Add New Type','tfuse' ),
                'new_item_name' => __( 'New','tfuse') .' '. TF_SEEK_HELPER::get_option('seek_property_name_singular') .' '. __('Fuel Type Name','tfuse' ),
                'menu_name' => __('Fuel Types','tfuse' ),
            'show_ui'   => true,
            'public'    => true,
            'query_var' => true,
            'rewrite' => array(
                'slug' => apply_filters( 'tfuse_vehicle_fuel_slug', $post_type . '_fuel' ),
                'with_front' => true
            'capabilities'  => array(

    And this is the code for shortcode:

    $html .= '<div class="special_offers">
            <div id="special_offers">';
            $price_symbol = TF_SEEK_HELPER::get_option("seek_property_currency_symbol","$");
            $fuel_symbol = TF_SEEK_HELPER::get_option("seek_property_consumption_symbol","MPG");
            foreach($posts_array as $vehicle){
                $vehicle_link = get_permalink($vehicle);
                $image = new TF_GET_IMAGE();
                $img = $image->width(310)->height(134)->src(tfuse_get_vehicle_thumbnail($vehicle->ID))->get_img();
                $price = TF_SEEK_HELPER::get_post_option('property_price', 0, $vehicle->ID);
                $fuel = apply_filters('tfuse_fuel_number_format', TF_SEEK_HELPER::get_post_option('property_consumption', 0, $vehicle->ID));
                $date = '01/'.TF_SEEK_HELPER::get_post_option('property_year', '11/2010', $vehicle->ID);
                $date = date("d/m/Y", strtotime($date));
                $date = strtoupper(date("M Y",strtotime($date)));
                $fuel_out = apply_filters('tfuse_power_fuel_symbol_position', tfuse_symbol_position($fuel, $fuel_symbol, 1, ' ', true), $fuel, $fuel_symbol);
                $price_number_str   = apply_filters( 'tfuse_price_number_format', number_format($price,0,'', '.'), $price );
                $price_symbol_str   = '<span class="symbol_price_left">' . $price_symbol .'</span>';
                $price_symbol_pos   = TF_SEEK_HELPER::get_option('seek_property_currency_symbol_pos', 0);
                $out = tfuse_symbol_position($price_number_str, $price_symbol_str, $price_symbol_pos, '', true);
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