Show Asides in the main content (single page)
Hi all,
I just updated my blog to show asides in the sidebar. (with the help of this forum)
I put the following code in my sidebar:
$asides = get_posts('category=14');
if($asides) : foreach($asides as $post) : setup_postdata($post);
<div class="asides_sidebar">
<?php echo wptexturize($post->post_content); ?>
<small><?php comments_popup_link(__('[0]'), __('[1]'), __('[%]')); ?><?php edit_post_link('Edit', ' — '); ?></small>
<?php endforeach; else: ?>
<div class="asides_sidebar">
Sorry, no Asides.
<?php endif; ?>
(along with some other code in the loop and the sidebar as instructed on
The problem that I have now, that the asides do not show on a single page. The content is not there, since the loop is beeing told to ignore my asides category. (This is only really a problem, since I am using the same loop file for all pages, but I would like to find a neat solution.)
I have this line before my loop:
<?php if (!(in_category('6')) ) { ?>
How do I have to change it in order to make the asides show in the single pages, but not in all others? (At the moment they are not showing anywhere…)
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