• Resolved mmw562


    Hello! I am having difficulty outputting the answer immediately after the user selects an answer. I am not seeing any button to “show answer” or anything like that. I can get the answers at the end of the quiz using the %%answers%% but I cant seem to access the answers before the end of the quiz. Thank you in advance for your help!


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  • Plugin Author Bob


    You just need to select the option:

    Show the answer of a question immediately after the user have selected an answer. (Will not work in single page mode and is not secure – use it only for fun quizzes, not exams. )

    Pay attention to the text in braces.

    Thread Starter mmw562


    I have tried this, but for some reason, when I select ‘save’ it indicates ‘test updated’ but when I go into the selections again, it is unchecked. I cannot seem to check the box no matter what test I am working with

    Plugin Author Bob


    Thanks for the feedback, fixed in

    Thread Starter mmw562


    That did the trick! Thanks.

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