In the settings menu under “Table View Settings”, you are missing all the checkbox execept “Show File Size”. This looks to be a bug. Here is a solution that might help. Add this to your the file mdocs-patches.php on line 7:
// 3.7.4 patch 1
register_setting('mdocs-patch-vars', 'mdocs-v3-7-4-patch-var-1');
if(get_option('mdocs-v3-7-4-patch-var-1') == false && is_array(get_option('mdocs-list'))) {
$dispay_array = array();
$display_array['show-description'] = array(
'slug' => 'desc',
'text' => 'Description',
'icon' => '',
'color' => '',
'function' => 'mdocs_display_description',
$display_array['show-downloads'] = array(
'slug' => 'downloads',
'text' => 'Downloads',
'icon' => 'fa fa-cloud-download',
'color' => 'mdocs-orange',
'function' => 'mdocs_display_downloads',
'show' => '1',
$display_array['show-version'] = array(
'slug' => 'version',
'text' => 'Version',
'icon' => 'fa fa-power-off',
'color' => 'mdocs-blue',
'function' => 'mdocs_display_version',
'show' => '1',
$display_array['show-author'] = array(
'slug' => 'owner',
'text' => 'Owner',
'icon' => 'fa fa-pencil',
'color' => 'mdocs-green',
'function' => 'mdocs_display_owner',
'show' => '1',
$display_array['show-real-author'] = array(
'slug' => 'real-author',
'text' => 'Author',
'icon' => '',
'color' => '',
'function' => 'mdocs_display_real_author',
$display_array['show-update'] = array(
'slug' => 'modified',
'text' => 'Last Modified',
'icon' => 'fa fa-calendar',
'color' => 'mdocs-red',
'function' => 'mdocs_display_updated',
'show' => '1',
$display_array['show-ratings'] = array(
'slug' => 'rating',
'text' => 'Rating',
'icon' => '',
'color' => '',
'function' => 'mdocs_display_rating',
'show' => '1',
$display_array['show-download-btn'] = array(
'slug' => 'download',
'text' => 'Download',
'icon' => 'fa fa-download',
'color' => '',
'function' => 'mdocs_display_download_btn',
$display_array['show-file-size'] = array(
'slug' => 'file-size',
'text' => 'File Size',
'icon' => 'fa fa-database',
'color' => '',
'function' => 'mdocs_display_file_size',
$show_options = get_option('mdocs-displayed-file-info');
foreach($display_array as $key => $show_array) {
if(!key_exists($key, $show_options)) {
$show_options[$key] = $show_array;
update_option('mdocs-displayed-file-info', $show_options);
update_option('mdocs-v3-7-4-patch-var-1', true);
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by