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  • Plugin Support alexisbienayme


    Hi Olivier,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    We have an official plugin on WordPress and an official plugin on Woocommerce.
    Wordpress :
    Woocommerce :

    The plugin Sendinblue on WordPress will help you to create forms and put them on your website, to collect emails addresses who want to subscribe into your newsletters.

    The plugin Sendinblue on Woocommerce will help you to send mails according to the status of the orders. For example, if a contact has purchased your product, an email will be automatically sent.

    More infos on there :
    – WordPress :
    – Woocommerce :

    I remain at your disposal for any information.

    Best Regards,

    Sendinblue Support team.

    Thread Starter oliviertassinari


    Ok thanks, so from what I could gather, we need to install both. With only the installed, some of the emails sent by WordPress wouldn’t go through Sendinblue.

    Plugin Support enzonewman



    Which email are send by Sendinblue are determined by the settings you have enabled in the plugins.

    When activating the transactional mailing through Sendinblue in one of the Plugins, all mails generated by your WordPress page are going to be sent by Sendinblue.

    The Plugin(s) overwrite wp_mail() function.
    Other mailing plugins could therefore collide/have conflicts with Sendinblue.


    The SB WordPress plugin does have setting to enable Transactional via SB. This covers all outgoing emails from WP including Woocommerce email. (tested)


    The SB for Woocommerce plugin ONLY have settings to enable transactional email for Woocommerce email only such as order statuses, notes. But i tested, it worked too for other wordpress emails such as from form plugin.

    I think you should mention in the plugin description that it does replace wp_mail once enabled in the settings so that there will be no confusion & conflict between other smtp plugins.

    And my suggestion:
    1. in the Sendinblue Email Sending Options – put a remark that once enabled, this will replace wp_mail.

    My other questions:
    1. Will this create conflict with other smtp plugins when i enabled the sending via sendinblue option?
    2. Any tutorial on use case of sending order price to sendinblue?


    Thread Starter oliviertassinari


    > But i tested, it worked too for other wordpress emails such as from form plugin.

    From my experience, SB WooCommerce isn’t enough to have ALL the emails of WordPress send though SB. For example, the notifications after a new comment is left on a post.

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