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  • If you’re looking for a fantastic job board / job application / applicant tracking system and you don’t expect to get hundreds of applications…

    YES! It’s fantastic!

    If you’re looking for something that writes to it’s own SQL tables, and can handle thousands of applications over a year… No… It’s not going to be able to grow with you.

    For smaller clients it has worked wonders on many themes for many years…

    On larger clients… it just can’t keep pace with their needs.

    Thread Starter halben



    Thanks for your input. I definitely agree with you that this plugin is fantastic but unfortunately, I’ll have to pass on this since there’s no more author support/updates on this plugin.


    I had not even realized the author was not supporting it. I have re-written the plugin several time for WordPress updates and other issues?
    Are you guys still having issues with this plugin? The three clients that use is only get a few to a dozen a week of applications.

    My clients loves it and working fine in WordPress 3.8?

    I am having this same issue. Job listing is not displaying in my page. i use the Job list template but not only displaying the shortcode as html.

    <div class=”job[job_row_number] job[job_id] [job_odd_even]”>
    <table class=”job-table[if_job_highlighted] highlighted[/if_job_highlighted]”>
    <table width=”800″>
    <th scope=”row”>Title</th>
    <th scope=”row”>Location</th>
    <th scope=”row”>Apply</th>
    <td>[job_icon] [job_link][job_title][/job_link]</td>
    <td class=”jobs-applynow”>[job_apply_link]Apply Now[/job_apply_link]</td>

    <div class=”job-nav”>
    <div class=”previous”>[job_page_previous_link]Page [job_page_previous_number][/job_page_previous_link]</div>
    <div class=”this”>Jobs [job_page_minimum]-[job_page_maximum] of [job_total]</div>
    <div class=”next”>[job_page_next_link]Page [job_page_next_number][/job_page_next_link]</div>

    any ideal on how to fix it?

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