Hello @gzt,
Good day! You don’t need to disable AMP for using Super Progressive Web Apps plugin. AMP is used for publishers to create mobile-friendly content and have it load instantly everywhere (it uses AMP Javascripts for faster loading).
Within Progressive Web Apps, the websites are converted to an app (web app). As the PWA caches the files of a website in users browser level, the websites load more faster than the usual loading time (browser caching and service workers). You can also browse via the pages that you visited earlier even if you are not connected to an internet connection in PWA. That’s something awesome right?
Also within PWA, you can set an Offline Page – A page that will load if you are not connected to an internet and the page is not visited earlier.
Can you give the plugin and try and see how it turns out? We do a clean uninstall, every database entry and file is removed during uninstall. In fact, we do not even write to the database until you save a setting. So you can test safely without affecting your current website. Looking forward to it.