• Resolved mkachtan


    From the ping.fm website.

    “Note: API keys are meant for application developers. If you are using a Ping.fm app that someone has created, it shouldn’t require you submit an API key. Since we’ve recently changed this process, some of the apps might not have been updated to meet new requirements.

    If you are using an app that requires an API key, contact the developer, or visit the app’s website for an up-to-date version.”

    Any word on an update?

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  • I read the link and I made the upgrade and changes. My server supports the use of mail() php functions, but shorten2ping doesn’t work ??
    Any other idea?
    Thank you

    Plugin Author Samuel Aguilera


    I can’t figure out why not working for some of you without having more info (i.e. error message).

    I have it running without problems in 4 of my customers sites at the moment. So I can’t debug something that is working on my servers…

    If someone of you having issues wants to give me access to debug it on your side, I would need administrador user for your WP, phpmyadmin and ftp access.

    Anyway, here is some points that you can try:

    – Deactivate the plugin.
    – Access to phpmyadmin, locate sp2_options at the wp_options table, delete it.
    – Activate and configure again.

    Or you can try too:

    – Reset posting email at ping.fm
    – Update it in Shorten2Ping settings page.

    Thank you so much, Samuel! It works again!

    Resetting the e-mail at ping.fm and changing it into Shorten2Ping it works fine!!!
    Thank you

    Thank you so much for your hard work. I made it come back with the addition of your two helpful suggestions. That is the raw attempt, now to try to figure out how to put in pictures so they appear with the message and also formatted correctly (with text wrap, sized and such).

    This is actually a lot more useful than just having WordPress be the focal point for blogging and sending out to the other social media. Why? Because I have an iPhone and the WordPress app does not work. So I can’t send blogs or posts to my social media from my iPhone. However, now that it is done with e-mail, I can add to my blogs and posts anytime I want without a problem. Es mas facil. !Gracias!

    Plugin Author Samuel Aguilera


    Well guys, this is a perfect moment for donate something… don’t you think? ??

    Do it from Shorten2Ping settings page if you want to support my efforts to mantain the plugin live.

    @fabiennepossets: I suppose that you’re talking about Facebook when saying “how to put in pictures so they appear with the message and also formatted correctly” ?

    If so, all I can do it by my side is done. Not showing picture and formating is not an issue of the plugin. I can`t say if it’s Ping.fm (maybe) or Facebook, but you can be sure that I followed Facebook developer guide to add the required info into the post page to show thumbnail and description for Facebook.

    Rats. Facebook is good when I update from my e-mail, but WordPress isn’t responding. I am going to have to make that work…after all it’s my blog that I am trying to get out there. Getting late and I have to go to work now. More later.

    Sorry, still not working. I tried deleting database in phpmyadmin as well as resetting the ping mail . Tired all ways you told and also talked to my host. That mail() is provided by default.

    Plugin Author Samuel Aguilera


    @sandeep: I’m sorry for you, but like I said, I can’t debug something that is working at my side. And you can see that is not only working for me.

    Please, take in mind all of you an important thing: The plugin relies on Ping.fm service, so if Seesmic want they can block you in any way (or do whatever they want to the service behaviour), and they don’t give warns to anyone. That is a fact.

    So is not only a matter of the plugin working or not working.

    ok Samuela Guilera

    Thanks for your support. My Ping API is working fine with publish2ping.fm plugin but that has drawback that it makes all submenu ueseless.. we cant access them… can you check that as there is no contact of that plugin developer… i tried to contact but no response.

    Thanks once again.. I will try on some other sites of my friend and will let you know soon…

    Has anyone heard from ping.fm / seesmic? Gotten a response from them? They write this is temporary, but have not replied to my emails for over three weeks.

    It’s working for me through email posting. However, it don’t submit scheduled post to ping.fm . Can samuelaguilera fix it?

    Plugin Author Samuel Aguilera


    @lns2000: The plugin uses exactly the same procedure for any type of publication method including scheduled posts. It’s working for my and many customers without problem. And no change was made to this since many versions ago (it’s not necessary because it simply use documented WP hooks that remains the same since then).

    If it’s not working for you on scheduled posts maybe you should look for another plugin using no standard calls that maybe is breaking the WP scheduled posts hook used by my plugin to do his work.

    So, there is no need to fix anything at my side for this.

    Hello Samuelaguilera

    I tried it on my site as well as on site of my friends… Did not work for us so no other other option other than using publish2ping.fm which has bugs and all sub menu of other plugin becomes unaccessible.

    I don’t know what wrong while i have tried resetting all… resetting email at ping.fm … deleting content from phpmyadmin… deactivating … activating.. My host provide that required mail function… hosting24.com is my host… my friend has hostgator.com and did not work for him too.
    So, how to use it now… required help…

    Plugin Author Samuel Aguilera


    So sorry for you Sandeep.

    I know that email notification is working for some users and not for others, but it’s not a problem of the plugin. Sorry but I can’t do more about this, blame to Seesmic not me.

    I’m sharing this plugin that I made for personal use (for me and my customers) to anyone who wants to use for free. I do it in my spare time, and I have no time to fight against a company (Seesmic) that decided to block my app (and others like twiterfeed.com) because so many people use it and they don’t want to improve their servers.

    If Seesmic wants, they can solve the problem reenabling my app key again (as it was for more than a year). But that is not in my hand.

    It’s so simple like that.

    So sorry, but I can’t expend more time on this.

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