• Moderator cubecolour


    Thank you for this useful plugin.

    I want to add a form where the fields are shown a few at a time in a tabbed interface using my tabby responsive tabs plugin which adds the tabs via shortcodes.

    I found that shortcodes were not being processed when added to the form post type, however after reviewing the code, a simple change does allow the shortcodes to be processed:

    line 434 of the ‘class-cpt-wplf-form.php’ file – change:

    return $output;


    return do_shortcode( $output );

    This seems to solve my issue without any apparent negative side effects on my test site. i can group the form fields in the tabs and everything seems to work.

    It’d be great if you would consider adding this change to the wp libre form plugin – if you can’t see any downside to doing so.


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  • Moderator cubecolour


    Some shortcodes do appear to get processed in the wplf-form post type, producing their output as expected, but others do not by default.

    Adding the following line to the plugin (or the active theme’s functions.php) seems to fix this for me and has enabled any of the shortcodes I have added to a form to be processed:

    add_filter( 'wplf_form', 'do_shortcode' );

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