• Resolved lospeso


    IN all past WordPress versions, before version 6.0, my custom shortcode to draw and display categories and number of entries worked.

    Then WordPress version 6.0 changed all that.

    I created 7 shortcodes to display different categories in a sitemap category page and entered the PHP into the functions.php file of the child-theme.

    The problem, is only one of 7 shortcodes will work (display results) on the page while the other shortcodes won’t. The moment I remove the one that does display, the next one after it will display and the rest won’t.

    Plugins tested – made no difference
    Theme changed to default WordPress theme – made no difference
    Used in a basic test page – problem still occurs
    Installed WordPress version 5.9.3, – problem solved and all shortcodes displayed results on the page.

    My Shortcode syntax (Note: names for each shortcode are different)

    add_shortcode( 'pp_cat_list_date', 'my_list_categories_shortcode_date' );
    //Use short-code: [pp_cat_list_date][/pp_cat_list_date]
    function my_list_categories_shortcode_date() {
        $args = array( 
    		//Date ID = 5
    		'exclude' => '1,3,7,21,277,365',
    		'show_count' => 'true' 
        return wp_list_categories( $args ); 

    Since this problem is caused by WordPress 6.0 and not anything else, what has changed in WordPress 6.0 that causes this display issue and how can I fix it?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
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  • @lospeso

    You are using wrong format to use shortcode.
    //Use short-code: [pp_cat_list_date][/pp_cat_list_date]

    Shortcode must be used in text editor as follow – [pp_cat_list_date].

    Check article below how to use shortcode properly.

    Thread Starter lospeso



    Thanks for the info, but unfortunately it did not work.

    Only one of several shortcodes display the results, as described above.
    I did follow the syntax in the WPBeginner.com article you linked, but alas, no difference.
    …and yes, it is used in a text editor, in fact I tested it in the classic text editor in WordPress, problem remains the same.

    As mentioned in my original post, all worked great until WordPress 6.0 came in, then this problem with the shortcodes occurred.

    I am wondering if the following part of the PHP has anything to do with it?
    This part:
    'exclude' => '1,3,7,21,277,365',

    Any ideas?


    As per function guidelines given in below link you can try to modify code by using array of Ids instead of strings.

    $args = array( 
    		//Date ID = 5
    		'exclude' => array(1,3,7,21,277,365),
    		'show_count' => true
        wp_list_categories( $args );
        $html = ob_get_clean();
        return $html;

    I hope this will help you !

    Moderator bcworkz


    You need to add 'echo' => 0, arg to wp_list_categories() calls. The list must be returned, not echoed out. Echoing out from a shortcode handler has always been wrong. It’s a mere fluke if it worked previously.

    Thread Starter lospeso



    Thanks for the PHP you wrote, unfortunately, it did not work.

    “‘echo’ => 0,” did not work at all, made no difference.

    Returning to what I said in my initial post, I created 7 shortcodes to work individually to show/display on a page a specific category and its children. The shortcode PHP I wrote was to exclude all other parent category ID numbers and only show the category (ID) specific to the shortcode.

    As mentioned, before WordPress 6.0, the custom PHP I wrote worked without a problem and has worked all along until 6.0 came out.

    This says something in WordPress 6.0 has changed that made “wp_list_categories”, which is what each shortcode depends on, to stop displaying results for all shortcodes, except one.

    In other words, only one shortcode will show results, which is the first shortcode listed on the sitemap page, and the rest will not work.

    Example, on the simple page in WordPress:


    …only shortcode_one will work, the rest won’t. If I switch the order around making another shortcode the first one in the order, that will show results, the rest won’t.

    What I did now, was make a few changes to the custom PHP, to ensure as best I could, that each shortcode using the same “wp_list_categories” function, should only show the categories that shortcode function is suppose to show.

    Here I show 2 of the seven shortcodes:

    //Use short-code: [pp_cat_list_date]
    function my_list_categories_shortcode_date() {
        $date = array( 
    	//Date ID = 19
    	'exclude' => '1,18,20,21,22,38',
    	'orderby' => 'name',
        	'order' => 'ASC',
    	'show_count' => 'true',
       wp_list_categories( $date );
    add_shortcode( 'pp_cat_list_date', 'my_list_categories_shortcode_date' );
    //Use short-code: [pp_cat_list_institution]
    function my_list_categories_shortcode_institution() {
        $institution = array( 
    	// Insitution ID = 18 , 
    	'exclude' => '1,19,20,21,22,38',
    	'orderby' => 'name',
        	'order' => 'ASC',
    	'show_count' => 'true',
      wp_list_categories( $institution );
    add_shortcode( 'pp_cat_list_institution', 'my_list_categories_shortcode_institution' );

    Even with those changes, the problem persists, only the first shortcode will display on the page and the rest won’t.

    This says that something in WordPress 6.0 is different than before, allowing only 1 shortcode to work and blocks (or ignores) the rest.

    Since 6.0 is coded differently, my custom coding has to change to match it or there is a bug in WordPress 6.0. I am leaning more to the latter, there is a bug.

    Does what I wrote above help clarify the issue?


    Wordpress 6.0 not define anything related to shortcode. I have added your shortcode in my current default theme twentytwetyone and both shortcode are working on same demo page.

    I have added some extra argument in your shortcode like hide_empty => false and echo => 1 to echo value in function.

    Check and try updated code below

    //Use short-code: [pp_cat_list_date]
    function my_list_categories_shortcode_date() {
        echo "First Shortcode";
        $dateARG = array(
            //Date ID = 19
            'orderby' => 'name',
            'exclude' => '1,18,20,21,22,38',
            'order' => 'ASC',
            'show_count' => 'true',
            'echo' => 1,
            'hide_empty'=> false,
        wp_list_categories( $dateARG );
        $html = ob_get_clean();
        return $html;
    add_shortcode( 'pp_cat_list_date', 'my_list_categories_shortcode_date' );
    //Use short-code: [pp_cat_list_institution]
    function my_list_categories_shortcode_institution() {
        echo "Second Shortcode";
        $date_arg = array(
            'orderby' => 'name',
            'exclude' => '1,18,20,21,22,38',
            'order' => 'ASC',
            'show_count' => 'true',
            'echo' => 1,
            'hide_empty' => false,
        wp_list_categories( $date_arg );
        $html = ob_get_clean();
        return $html;
    add_shortcode( 'pp_cat_list_institution', 'my_list_categories_shortcode_institution' );

    I hope this will resolve your issue.

    Thread Starter lospeso



    I really thank you for the time your spending to help out.

    I duplicated everything you had for my test on two shortcodes.
    One shortcode was for “Date”, the second for “Institution”.
    I used the basic WordPress theme Twenty-nineteen and placed them into a basic page, where the Date shortcode was first and the Institution shortcode was placed under it as second.

    Like this:


    The same problem occurred, except one difference.

    Due to the added arguments,

    'echo' => 1,
    'hide_empty'=> false

    …the second shortcode (Institution) displays as “No Categories”.
    The added arguments revealed what WordPress was doing.

    WordPress displayed only one shortcode, the first one (Date) on the basic page and then did not pull the data and display for the second shortcode (Institution), instead it rendered the second shortcode as “No categories”, which is false.

    The “No categories” display is false because when I switch the shortcodes around (ie: make Institution as first), then all categories do display for that shortcode where the second shortcode (Date) displayed “No categories”, again a false result.

    Here is the screenshot:


    Is that what you got with your test?


    I got same result in both short-code in my test page. And you have get some result in second shortcode means problem is related to your query for wp_list_categories not in shortcode. Which page you are trying to add shortcode ? simple page or post page ?

    screenshot – https://i.imgur.com/McwUCUs.jpg

    Try clearing cache and check query again. Did yo added hide_empty in both shortcode ?

    Thread Starter lospeso



    I am using the exact same coding you show in your example, for both shortcodes.

    //Use short-code: [pp_cat_list_date]
    function my_list_categories_shortcode_date() {
        echo "Date Shortcode";
        $dateARG = array( 
    	//Date ID = 19
    	'orderby' => 'name',
    	'exclude' => '1,18,20,21,22,38',
            'order' => 'ASC',
    	'show_count' => 'true',
            'echo' => 1,
            'hide_empty'=> false
       wp_list_categories( $dateARG );
       $html = ob_get_clean();
       return $html;
    add_shortcode( 'pp_cat_list_date', 'my_list_categories_shortcode_date' );
    //Use short-code: [pp_cat_list_institution]
    function my_list_categories_shortcode_institution() {
        echo "Institution Shortcode";
        $institution_arg = array( 
        // Insitution ID = 18 ,
        'orderby' => 'name',
        'exclude' => '1,19,20,21,22,38',
        'order' => 'ASC',
        'show_count' => 'true',
        'echo' => 1,
        'hide_empty'=> false,
      wp_list_categories( $institution_arg );
      $html = ob_get_clean();
      return $html;
    add_shortcode( 'pp_cat_list_institution', 'my_list_categories_shortcode_institution' );

    The same problem occurs for both simple page and simple post.
    Plugins are not the cause, I tested it.
    I am using the basic default WordPress theme.
    Yes, I purge the cache and used a hard reload of the browser (CTRL+F5)

    Are you using WordPress version 6.0?
    What would normally or generally cause the query for the second shortcode to fail and show as “No Categories”?


    Thread Starter lospeso


    Cancel my post above and my questions in it. >>> I found the cause to the problem.

    I went to a different server and repeated the test there.
    Voila, the short-code syntax works, even in WordPress 6.0

    See this screenshot (opens in new tab):


    Why does it work on a different server?

    I noticed in your screenshot image that you used a localhost setup to test and demo WordPress.

    Based on your screenshot, I already had my own localhost setup, so I tested the shortcodes on my localhost to find the shortcodes worked fine.

    The new test I just did on “localhost” (my own computer hard-drive), I used Laragon to provide the PHP environment (v7.4.30) and Apache server (v2.4.47) setup. The PHP version I used on localhost is the same version currently active on the website hosting service I use.

    Its not the PHP version, since they are the same between localhost and them, so the website hosting service has something else there that I don’t have on my localhost that causes the problem with the shortcodes.

    I will contact the website hosting service I am using, and try to find out what is on their server causing the issue.

    Thanks for your help.


    Great to hear that your issue was resolved. Is it related to server or any php module not enabled on your server ? Egar to know actual issue related to your server so it can help me or other also if same server and issue.

    Have happy coding

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