shortcodes not working in single-event-page format code
hi !
Please give me a hand !
I wrote some [shortcodes] between the code-format of the single-event-page, and they worked well, but 2 days ago they start to fail, and no processing of the shortcodes is done.
What can I do ?
My format-code is:
<ul class="g1-grid" style="margin-bottom:40px;"> <li class="g1-column g1-one-third g1-valign-top" style="text-align:center;"> <img src="#_EVENTIMAGEURL" alt="#_EVENTNAME" style="border-radius: 10px;margin:0 20px 20px 0;"> </li> <li class="g1-column g1-two-third g1-valign-top"> <p>#_EVENTNOTES</p> </li> </ul> <ul class="g1-grid"> {has_location} <li class="g1-column g1-one-half g1-valign-top"> <div id="g1-box-counter-1" class="g1-box g1-box--simple g1-box--noicon"><div class="g1-box__inner"> <h4><i id="icon-8" class="icon-map-marker g1-icon g1-icon--simple g1-icon--small g1-icon--inherit "></i> Dónde se hace?</h4> <h5><strong>#_LOCATIONNAME</strong></h5> #_LOCATIONEXCERPT <p><strong>Dirección:</strong> #_LOCATIONADDRESS, #_LOCATIONTOWN</p> <div class="#_LOCATIONREGION"><!-- = no-map --> [gmap height="150px" type="simple" latitude="#_LOCATIONLATITUDE" longitude="#_LOCATIONLONGITUDE"]</div> </div></div> </li> {/has_location} <li class="g1-column g1-one-half g1-valign-top"> <div id="g1-box-counter-1" class="g1-box g1-box--simple g1-box--noicon"><div class="g1-box__inner"> <h4><i id="icon-8" class="icon-calendar g1-icon g1-icon--simple g1-icon--small g1-icon--inherit "></i> Cuándo se realiza?</h4> <div style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Dia:</strong> #_EVENTDATES </div> <div style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Hora:</strong> #_EVENTTIMES</div> <br/> <!--<div style="display: inline-block;">[events_calendar long_events=1 full=0 country="ES" category="" month="#_{m}"]</div>--> <a href="#_EVENTICALURL" target="_blank">A?adir a tu ICalendar</a><br/> <a href="#_EVENTGCALURL" target="_blank">A?adir a tu GoogleCalendar</a> <br/><br/> </div></div> {has_bookings} <div id="g1-box-counter-1" class="g1-box g1-box--simple g1-box--noicon"><div class="g1-box__inner"> [toggle class="tgl-reserva" title="Reserva tu plaza aquí" state="off" style="solid" icon="ticket"] #_BOOKINGFORM [/toggle] </div></div> {/has_bookings} </li> </ul>
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