I looked at the church template, and I guess this would probably be better on the SP website, but since were here right now, and were not sure the exact cause of this,
One thing I saw in the code, (and there was a lot of stuff in there)
was that they declare headers, which might be an issue, before you go down the rabbit hole after this thing, you may need to test out by activating the default theme, and setting up the short code in the admin section, admin.php I think, from what small amount of time I spent on it, from the two posts, I saw on SP, it appears that you may have to manage the short codes separate of the normal method, but you wont know this until you know for sure if it is in the theme or not.
That would be my next attempt at testing out where the issue is, once you find out where the problem is you can find a way to fix it,
// Register [sermon] shortcode handler
add_shortcode('sermons', 'sb_shortcode');
add_shortcode('sermon', 'sb_shortcode');
One thing I noticed right away was that I could not find these files loading in your header, `// Register custom CSS and javascript files
wp_register_script(‘sb_64′, SB_PLUGIN_URL.’/sb-includes/64.js’, false, SB_CURRENT_VERSION);
wp_register_script(‘sb_datepicker’, SB_PLUGIN_URL.’/sb-includes/datePicker.js’, array(‘jquery’), SB_CURRENT_VERSION);
wp_register_style(‘sb_datepicker’, SB_PLUGIN_URL.’/sb-includes/datepicker.css’, false, SB_CURRENT_VERSION);
if (get_option(‘permalink_structure’) == ”)
wp_register_style(‘sb_style’, trailingslashit(site_url()).’?sb-style&’, false, sb_get_option(‘style_date_modified’));
wp_register_style(‘sb_style’, trailingslashit(site_url()).’sb-style.css’, false, sb_get_option(‘style_date_modified’));`
So you know that if your js files and css files are not loading then that is just one problem,
in sermon.php
this is one place where you might have a look at tracing the call from the theme to the plugin, but if your js scripts are not loading, then that is a path issue,
* Main initialisation function
* Sets up most WordPress hooks and filters, depending on whether request is for front or back end.
function sb_sermon_init () {
global $sermon_domain, $wpdb, $defaultMultiForm, $defaultSingleForm, $defaultStyle;
$sermon_domain = 'sermon-browser';
if (IS_MU) {
load_plugin_textdomain($sermon_domain, '', 'sb-includes');
} else {
load_plugin_textdomain($sermon_domain, '', 'sermon-browser/sb-includes');
if (WPLANG != '')
setlocale(LC_ALL, WPLANG.'.UTF-8');
it might just be the missing js scripting, but I have not really looked at how it is connected yet, again once you know for sure that the theme is the problem you can start down the rabbit hole,