• We purchased the Pro/Unlimited specifically for the Infinite AJAX Load, but shortcodes are not processed in AJAX-loaded posts. The shortcodes are added directly into the Elementor loop created by Ele Skin Pro, and the shortcode PHP is in the theme’s functions.php as is standard.
    Same issue as noted here:
    And here: https://github.com/dudaster/ele-custom-skin/issues/265
    One of those posts is 2+ years old. Dudaster (plugin dev) said they were going to fix.
    Is the plugin no longer being supported?
    Should we get a refund and go to one of the other 2 plugins that do these functions?

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  • Thread Starter magestyx


    Solved. As I was writing the original post a thought occurred to me –
    The shortcode PHP was actually being added to functions.php via the CodeKit Codes plugin – a great plugin we use on all sites. It normally works with everything, however this turned out to be a super rare case where the PHP code has to be added directly into the functions.php and not to functions.php via the Codes plugin.
    Seems an update on the Github pages would’ve been prudent by the devs, though. Based on no conclusive replies there it looked like the issue was never solved.

    Note that the Unlimited lifetime/unlimited site version of this Ele Custom Skin plugin is only available until the end of this month – July 2022 – and it’s a heck of a deal for what is an essential Elementor addon in our opinion.


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