Got your e-mail, thanks!
The problem is that the plugin HTML 5 and Flash Video Player is implementing their own version of shortcodes instead of using WordPress’ Shortcode API, which is a bad practice as it leads to “problems” such as this one.
Normally I’d ask you to tell the developer to update their code to use WordPress APIs instead of rolling their own to increase compatibility with other plugins and themes, but it seems that this plugin has been abandoned for a long time. So, here’s a workaround:
- Go to Plugins > Editor and select WordPress Popular Posts from the drowndown.
- Find:
// remove WP shortcodes
$excerpt = strip_shortcodes( $excerpt );
… and change it to:
// Remove HTML5 and Flash Video Player's shortcodes
$excerpt = preg_replace("/\[flashvideo ([^]]*)\/\]/i", "", $excerpt);
$excerpt = preg_replace("/\[videoplayer ([^]]*)\/\]/i", "", $excerpt);
// remove WP shortcodes
$excerpt = strip_shortcodes( $excerpt );
- Hit the Update file button to save changes.
Note that making modifications to plugins code isn’t recommended because the next time you upgrade it all changes will be lost, so make sure to bookmark or save this mod somewhere for future reference.
Out of curiosity, why use a video plugin when WordPress already supports video embedding since version 2.9?